Problems with black smoke and loss of power in BMW diesel 7 series (2013): Looking for advice on how to fix the particulate filter defect
Loss of engine power
Strong exhaust smell
Check engine light on
DPF regeneration failure
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
(Translated from German)
17 comment(s)
Best Answer
Hey, no problem, always happy to help! Based on your mileage and the last regeneration, it could actually be that your particulate filter has simply reached its capacity and needs to be cleaned or replaced. This usually happens after a certain number of kilometers or if the car is mainly driven short distances. Be sure to have this checked at your garage. There could also be other causes, such as faulty injection, which leads to too much fuel being injected and this in turn overloads the DPF. I hope I have been able to help you and wish you the best of luck! Keep me posted on what they say at the workshop.
(Translated from German)
Hello, We have installed a new particulate filter. Also a cable to a temperature sensor. However, the particulate filter and engine block light is still illuminated. After approx. 100 kilometers, a spiral comes on and the engine goes into emergency mode. However, I was able to clear the latter via Carly. Now the car is running well again. Why is the light still on? Vw Passat Diesel 2015. 153000 km
(Translated from German)
Hello, I have a DB 180 CDI W 246 189000 Km, I get particulate filter messages at regular intervals, it started with differential pressure sensor messages, does the particulate filter really have to be removed, is it quite hidden in the B class?
Hello, there is also a procedure to clean the diesel particulate filter "chemically". This involves spraying a type of foam into the DPF and then carrying out a "forced regeneration". However, I would have this cleaning carried out in a workshop which also has the necessary tools. Please let us know if this was possible for you and was successful.
(Translated from German)
Hello, I have a bit of experience with cars. I had a similar problem with my BMW 5 Series diesel, built in 2011. The symptoms were the same: black smoke, loss of performance and the DPF wouldn't regenerate properly. Unfortunately, I can't explain everything in detail as I'm not an expert anyway. At my garage, it turned out that the DPF was very heavily loaded. This means that the particulate filter is overloaded with ash and unburned particles. They carried out a so-called "DPF cleaning", which cost me a total of €1325. After that, the problem was solved and the car ran perfectly again. Could you perhaps provide more information about your car, e.g. how many kilometers it has already run or when the last DPF regeneration was carried out? This may help to shed more light on your case.
(Translated from German)