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Problem with the buttons on the multifunction steering wheel of a 2008 BMW 7 Series - looking for solutions and workshop experience

Buttons on multifunction steering wheel without function

Hey guys! I've got a question for you guys. My 2008 BMW 7 Series with a gasoline engine is acting up. The buttons on the multifunction steering wheel no longer respond. It could be the steering wheel's fault. Have any of you ever had a problem like this and can perhaps give me a tip on what exactly I should be looking for? What experiences have you had in the workshop and what has ultimately helped you to solve the problem? I am grateful for any help!

(Translated from German)

11 comment(s)


Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2010 BMW 5 Series. I would describe myself as someone with some car knowledge. So, I had it checked at my garage and they said that the wiring to the shift center on the steering column was defective. That cost me a total of 95 euros. Maybe that's exactly the case for you? It would be helpful if you could give a few more details about your car, for example mileage or similar, so that we can help you more accurately. Good luck with the repair!

(Translated from German)

TobiMue (Author)

Hey, thanks for the info! So my 7 has pretty much 150,220 km on the clock and the last service was done about a year ago. If that helps, the steering wheel is the original one that came with the car when I bought it. Maybe the high mileage has something to do with the damage, I have read that such problems often occur with similar models when the car has reached a certain age. Thanks again for your help, I hope I can drive again soon without any problems!

(Translated from German)

Best Answer


Hello again! Given the mileage and age of the car, it could well be that some components are simply worn out and need replacing. In my 5 Series, the control cables on the steering column were actually affected, as I mentioned earlier. It's quite possible that this is also the case with your 7 Series. I would recommend you visit a garage and have them check it out. The 95 euros I paid for it seemed quite fair to me. And then everything worked perfectly again! I hope this helps you and you can use your car to its full potential again soon. Good luck with that!

(Translated from German)

TobiMue (Author)

Hey, thanks again! I think I'll take your advice and go to the dealership to get it checked out. The 95 euros sounds really fair if the car works again afterwards. That would indeed be the easier solution than constantly driving around with a broken steering wheel. If anyone else has any tips, I am of course open to them. Hopefully I'll be back on the road soon without the steering wheel driving me crazy! Thanks for the support.

(Translated from German)


480134 Description: Info memory ICM: Direction of travel cannot be determined Last occurred at: 32 205045 km More information: INFO... Slip angle estimator - internal degradation due to sbs Description: Last occurred at: 204284 km More information: Search for more information Search for more information I feel that I am experiencing a heavy steering and the steering assist is not working



480134 Description: Info memory ICM: Direction of travel cannot be determined Last occurred at: 32 205045 km More information: INFO... Slip angle estimator - internal degradation due to sbs Description: Last occurred at: 204284 km More information: Search for more information Search for more information I feel that I am experiencing a heavy steering and the steering assist is not working

Hello, what kind of car do you have exactly?

(Translated from German)


Hi I had the same problem where my mulit function switche was not working. When looking at my clock spring, noticed where the mulit function switch plugs in to find there was no pins in the switch connection point. So I just replaced the clock spring for £14 and now it's all working correctly


Hy have a BMW F31 and have changed the buttons on the steering wheel so that I now have the steering wheel with cruise control, unfortunately this could not be coded or unlocked with Carly. What can I do now? Mfg

(Translated from German)



Hy have a BMW F31 and have changed the buttons on the steering wheel so that I now have the steering wheel with cruise control, unfortunately this could not be coded or unlocked with Carly. What can I do now? Mfg

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multifunction steering wheel failure

(Translated from Spanish)


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