Error in the lighting and warning light in the speedometer on VW Up 2018: Exchange of experiences and suggested solutions
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
Error in the lighting
(Translated from German)
23 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your reply! My car now has 28300 km on it and it's been a while since the last service. The problem keeps occurring sporadically, so unfortunately I can't pinpoint it. Was it a random thing for you too? By the way, 52 euros doesn't sound bad if that's the solution. Thanks a million for your advice! Greetings back!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem, always happy to help! That sounds very similar to my case, it was also rather sporadic. I would definitely advise going to the garage. If it's the glow agent, then the repair there shouldn't be too expensive. As I said, the price for my Golf was reasonable. It could also just be something with the meter, that was the case with a friend of mine. Just get it checked out, maybe it's something minor. Good luck with it and let us know what it was! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hey, thanks for the encouraging words! I think I really will go to the garage and have it checked. Hopefully it really is just a minor issue. Will definitely keep you posted as soon as I know more. Thanks again for taking the time to help me. You've really helped me out! Best regards back!
(Translated from German)
I have a issue my golf 5 gives parking light fault on left but all light going good and its coming after change the lamps on the front before this problem its gives fog light right problem but in that case is the fog light a reverse light for back
The fuse for the license plate light is usually located in the fuse box under the dashboard or in the engine compartment. The exact location and fuse number can be found in your vehicle's owner's manual. To check if a fuse is blown, remove it from the fuse box and look at the metal wire inside the fuse. If the wire is broken or burnt, the fuse is blown and needs to be replaced.
Which fuse is responsible for my license plate light and how do I see if it is broken?
The fuse for the license plate light is usually located in the fuse box under the dashboard or in the engine compartment. The exact location and fuse number can be found in your vehicle's owner's manual. To check if a fuse is blown, remove it and look at the metal strip inside. If it's broken or burned, the fuse is blown and needs to be replaced.
I have a issue my golf 5 gives parking light fault on left but all light going good and its coming after change the lamps on the front before this problem its gives fog light right problem but in that case is the fog light a reverse light for back
Hello, Is it possible that you have replaced the normal lamps with LED lamps? If this is the case, it is quite possible that you will get this error. This is because the "cold current monitoring" for the lamps must then be switched off with a code.
(Translated from German)
Best Answer
Hi there, I once had a similar problem with my 2016 VW Golf, a glow agent was also defective. I would say I have some experience with cars, but I'm certainly not a professional. So, I went to my garage and the guys there replaced the faulty bulb. It wasn't a big job - but it cost me 52 euros. Can you perhaps tell me more about your car? Maybe then I can give you better advice. Best regards!
(Translated from German)