Windshield wipers and headlight cleaning on Audi A3 Diesel (2012) not working correctly
Wipers don't work properly
Headlight cleaning system without function
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, sure, no problem! So, it worked to repair the windshield wiper switch and I haven't had any more problems with it since. The cost of repairing the faulty fuse was €52. Nothing similar has happened since. I hope this helps you and keep my fingers crossed that it goes as smoothly for you!
(Translated from German)
JWheels (Author)
Hey, I had similar issues with my 2015 Audi A5. I have to say, it really sounds like the windshield wiper switch has a problem. In fact, on my last garage visit they had to replace this exact part as it was faulty. And yes, the headlight washer was also a problem, they had to replace the whole pump for that. Both times were serious issues, but luckily the people at the garage were able to solve the problem quickly. Hope this helps you!
(Translated from German)