Weak Blower & Poor Heat: Cayman HVAC Issues Solved?
Blower does not work properly
Insufficient Cooling/Heating
4 comment(s)
Thanks for the detailed response! The issue started about 2 weeks ago, and yeah, it's definitely worse during cold mornings. No warning lights so far. Had my last service done at 50347 KM, and everything was fine then. It's good to hear yours was fixed with just the auxiliary heater, gives me hope it won't be something more complicated. Did you notice any specific noises before getting it fixed?
Hey again! Thanks for the follow-up, and those details sound very familiar to my situation! Actually, now that you mention noises, yes, I did notice something! Before I got my Boxster's auxiliary heater fixed, there was this faint whirring sound that wasn't quite normal. It was most noticeable during cold starts, kind of like a struggling electric motor sound, if that makes sense? Not super loud, but definitely there if you paid attention. Based on what you're describing, the timing of the issue, worse performance in cold weather, and no warning lights, it's sounding more and more like what I dealt with. The pattern is pretty much identical to what I experienced before getting mine fixed. Quick tip from my experience: if you can, try to get it sorted before it gets any worse. When mine started acting up, I initially thought "eh, I can live with it for a while," but the performance just kept declining. Finally bit the bullet and got it fixed, honestly wish I'd done it sooner! Let me know if you end up getting it checked out. Would be interesting to see if it's the same issue. These Porsches can be quirky sometimes, but at least they're pretty consistent in how they act up!
Thanks so much for all this info! Now that you mention it, I've definitely been hearing that whirring sound during cold starts too. I guess I was trying to ignore it. You've convinced me to get it checked out sooner rather than later, no point in suffering through a cold winter with a dodgy heater. I'll make an appointment with my Porsche guy tomorrow and see what he says. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience, it's super helpful knowing what to expect. I'll probably update this thread once I get it sorted, in case anyone else runs into the same issue down the line. Thanks again!
Hey there! I had a similar issue with my 2012 Porsche Boxster (practically the same heating system as the Cayman). The symptoms were exactly what you're describing, weak airflow and poor temperature control. Turned out it was indeed the electric auxiliary heater that went bad. Took it to my local Porsche specialist and they diagnosed it pretty quickly. Cost me about 350€ to get it fixed, including labor. It's been working perfectly since then, this was about a year ago. Before you commit to any repairs though, could you share: How long has this been happening? Does it happen more when it's cold outside? Have you noticed any warning lights? I might be able to give you more specific advice based on my experience if you share these details.