Uneven ride height and jump starting in a 2018 BMW 7 Series: Possible cause and mechanic's experience
Uneven Ride Height
Excessive Bouncing
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Your story sounds a lot like my problem. Do you remember what you had to pay for the repairs back then? And have you had any other annoyances with the car since then, or was the problem with the bellows valve and the height adjustment screw completely resolved afterwards?
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem! Glad I could help. I paid €155 to repair the broken air line. It wasn't exactly cheap, but what can you do, right? Once the problem with the air suspension bellows valve was fixed - i.e. after it was replaced - I actually had no more problems. I hope it stays that way for you too. Keep your fingers crossed!
(Translated from German)
Thanks for the info, that really helps! I'm reassured to hear that you didn't have any further problems afterwards. I will definitely ask the mechanic about the bellows valve and the height adjustment screw. Hopefully it won't be any more expensive for me than it was for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for myself! Greetings!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I also had this problem with my 2016 BMW 5 Series. During my last visit to the workshop, it was discovered that both the air suspension bellows valve and the ride height adjustment screw were defective. The cause was deep-seated wear, together with a loose connecting part. Not exactly a small thing, I tell you. My mechanic replaced the parts and the car has been running smoothly ever since. Keep an eye on it to make sure there is no major damage. Good luck with that!
(Translated from German)