Uneven Ride Height and Bumpy Responses in 2011 Hyundai Grandeur: Request for Advice and Mechanic Experiences
Uneven Ride Height
Excessive Bouncing
4 comment(s)
Hey there! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's had a rollercoaster ride with their Hyundai, kind of helps put me at ease. Spooky how such a little thing like a bad plug connection can make such a difference, isn't it? Just curious, could you possibly remember the ballpark figure you forked out to get this sorted? Also, have you experienced any further issues since the repair? If you could spare a moment to reply, that'd be great! Thanks!
Hey! Absolutely, it's mind-boggling how a tiny plug can throw your whole ride out of whack, isn't it? If memory serves right, sorting out the whole defective cable/plug connection thing cost me about 155.00 €. Not too shabby when you consider the peace of mind it brings. It's been smooth sailing since then. In fact, that incorrect door contact signal you mentioned? Gone and sorted! The joy of driving without the rollercoaster ride effect is totally worth every penny. Let me know how it goes for you. I’m sure your Hyundai will be back to its glory days in no time. Cheers!
Hey! Thanks for getting back to me with those numbers. The price sounds fair enough, that peace of mind you mentioned is something I definitely can't put a price on. Hearing that your ride got back to being smooth post-repair is reassuring too, can't wait for my Hyundai to ditch the rollercoaster effect! I'll get her checked out as soon as I can and hopefully, it'll be just as simple a fix. Thanks again for your help! Cheers!
Hey! Funny enough, I was having a similar issue with my 2014 Hyundai Sonata just a few months back. She was giving me the ghost ride sensation every time I tackled a bump, so I feel you. Thought it was something directly related to the suspension system but turned out to be something completely different. After some tests and checks, my mechanic traced this down to a defective plug/cable connection. It was giving out a wrong signal, sort of like what you mentioned with your door contact signal. Funny how these tiny connectors can mess up your entire ride, eh? I wouldn't say it's a serious issue, but definitely something that demands attention. You don't want to go riding around like you're in a rodeo. Once you get it fixed, your ride should be back to smooth cruising. Hope that helps and you get your old gal back in shape really soon. Cheers!