Uneven height and bouncing in the 2023 Renault Master: experiences with the height control system
Excessive Bouncing
Uneven Ride Height
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, that sounds really stupid, what you had to go through with your Trafic! Control unit problem, ouch. But I'm glad for you that it could be replaced and that the fault has been rectified. Can you remember how much you had to pay for it? And have you had any problems since then or is the car now running smoothly again? It could be that my Master has a similar problem... Thanks in advance and have a good trip! Bye!
(Translated from German)
Hey, yes, the control unit really wasn't a nice thing, it was a pretty penny - €1000 to be precise. But since the mechanic did it, my Trafic has been running like a champ again. The problem with the ride height control has also been solved, nothing bounces around unevenly any more - so the change has worked. I hope that it will be just as easy and smooth with your Master. Keep your fingers crossed! See you then and have a safe journey!
(Translated from German)
Hey, wow, 1000€... not exactly a penny. But it's good to know that changing the control unit has helped you and everything is running smoothly again. So it looks like it was worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing your experience with me! I will now contact the workshop and hope that the problem with my Master can be solved just as easily. I'll let you know when I have any news. Bye and have a safe journey!
(Translated from German)
Hello, you wouldn't believe what I recently experienced with my 2020 Renault Trafic! There was also an annoying hobbling and it turned out that the control unit was defective. That was quite a shock, I can tell you. But don't let it drive you crazy, okay? At my dealership, they simply replaced the control unit and the problem was solved. Sure, it was a serious problem, but fortunately nothing that couldn't be fixed. I hope it can be done as easily for you. Good luck and keep us up to date, will you? Best regards!
(Translated from German)