Troubleshooting for ABS/DSC system and speedometer in BMW 5 Series Diesel 2001
ABS/DSC system is not working
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
Fault stored
ABS warning light
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your reply! I haven't actually read out the error code yet. I'll do that soon and share the information here. Your experience with the defective cable to the ABS block is good to know, that could also be the case for me. 155 euros sounds fair, hopefully it's within that range for me too. I'll let you know as soon as I have the error code. Many thanks for your valuable tip!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had exactly the same problem as you with my old BMW 3 Series diesel. The ABS and DSC warning lights were on, the speedometer was spinning and something was stored in the fault memory. In my case, the ASC/DSC system was actually restricted and that was exactly the cause of all the trouble. The workshop then read out the fault with the diagnostic device and found that there was a problem with the ASC/DSC. They then carried out a complete check of the ASC/DSC system and replaced the broken parts. I think it was a set of sensors and a control element in my case. The repair was worth it, though, as there were no more problems after that. It cost me a solid 300 euros including installation and everything that goes with it. It was a bit more than I would have thought, but the safety was worth it. The prices could be similar for your BMW 5 Series, depending on how extensive the troubleshooting and repair work is afterwards. I hope this info helps you and you get your problem sorted soon. Keep your fingers crossed!
(Translated from German)
Hello, hey thanks for your reply! It certainly brings more clarity to my situation and helps to understand what the possible cause could be and how much it would cost. 300 euros is a bit more than I expected, but you're right, safety first and I also think it will be worth it in the end. A problem with the ASC system was actually my guess too. I will definitely use the diagnostic tool and then approach the garage of choice. Thanks again for sharing your experience and the good tips! I'll keep you posted as soon as I have more info. Really helpful to discuss this here. Fingers crossed that it goes as smoothly for me as it did for you.
(Translated from German)
Hey, I had a similar problem with my BMW 1999 5 series diesel. Like you said, I don't know much about cars, but I remember that cable connections to my ABS block were faulty. My garage fixed it for me and I paid 155 euros for it. What exactly did you see on your fault code reader? More info might help to get a better insight and maybe then I can say more.
(Translated from German)