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Town Box Alarm Glitch Draining Battery, Fix Needed

Weak battery when starting the engine


Alarm system malfunctions

Hey everyone, having trouble with my 2001 Mitsubishi Town Box. The anti-theft alarm keeps acting up unsual, and I'm getting weak starts due to battery drain. Anyone else dealt with this issue? Would love to hear your experiences with fixing it, especially if you got it repaired at a workshop. What was the actual problem and solution? Thanks in advance!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! I've got some experience with car electronics, and I had a similar issue with my 2003 Mitsubishi Minica (not too different from your Town Box). The alarm system was going crazy and draining my battery too. Took it to my local workshop and turns out the alarm system needed recoding because it was triggering the optical locking system unsual. Fixed it for about 45 Euro, and it's been working perfectly since then. What's your exact model/trim level? Also, are you noticing any specific pattern when the alarm acts up? This info would help me share more relevant details from my experience.

MarkusFriedrichRacer (Author)

Hey guys! Just to add, I'm having exactly the same problem with mine (134789 KM). I actually took it in for service last month and they didn't catch this issue. The mechanic told me everything was fine with the electrical system, but clearly that's not the case, that's really helpful info about the optical locking system! Mine seems to go off mostly during early mornings or when it's been sitting for a while. No specific pattern I can see though. Just wondering, did your mechanic have to do any special diagnostics before finding the issue? Might help me explain the problem better when I take it back to the shop. Thanks for sharing your experience!


Hey again! Yeah, I totally get your frustration! With my Minica, the mechanics actually had to run a full diagnostic scan first. They used this special Mitsubishi diagnostic tool (I think it was an MUT-III) to pinpoint the exact issue. My regular mechanic missed it initially too, just like yours did! In my case, they found that the optical sensor was getting false readings, especially during temperature changes (which explains the early morning triggers you're experiencing). The recoding basically reset the system's sensitivity. They also checked the door lock actuators while they were at it, since they're often related. Quick tip, before you take it back, try to keep a log of exactly when it happens. That really helped speed up the diagnosis with my car. Like, note down the time of day, weather conditions, and if it happens more after the car sits for a certain period. I did this for about a week before going back to the shop, and it made a huge difference. Let me know how it goes! These old Mitsubishis can be tricky with their electrical systems, but once you sort it out, they're pretty reliable. 👊

MarkusFriedrichRacer (Author)

Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! This is exactly what I needed to know. I'll definitely start keeping a log of when it happens, that's such a smart idea! And now I know to specifically ask about the MUT-III diagnostic tool and the optical sensor when I take it back to the shop. It makes total sense about the temperature changes too, since it's been pretty chilly in the mornings lately. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and tips. I feel much more confident about getting this fixed now. Will update once I get it sorted! Thanks again!

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