SQ7 Electronic Parking Brake Failure: Warning Light Issue
Fault stored
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
Electical handbrake is not working
4 comment(s)
Thanks for the detailed info. My odometer shows 130717 KM and I had the latest service just 2 months ago. The electronic brake switch failure happened quite suddenly last week, with no warning signs beforehand. No unusual sounds from the brake system, just complete failure to engage. The brake fault light appeared immediately when the issue started. Called my usual workshop and they suggested performing detailed brake diagnostics next week. From what you described about the caliper motor, this sounds like it could be a similar issue. Will update once I know more about the specific electronic brake components that need replacement.
Thanks for the additional details. Based on the mileage and sudden system glitch, this definitely mirrors my experience with the electronic brake failure. At around 125000 KM, my caliper motor also failed without warning signs. The brake diagnostics in your case should quickly identify if its the same brake control module issue. When my workshop ran the full system scan, it clearly pointed to the caliper motor malfunction. The sudden nature of the failure is actually quite typical for these electronic brake components. A few tips from my repair experience: Make sure they check both rear brake calipers during diagnostics, Request a full system calibration after the repair, Have them verify the parking brake sensor readings, Ask for a detailed brake control module report The complete brake system repair took one working day in my case, as they had the parts in stock. Given how similar our issues sound, I would expect comparable repair costs around 500-600 Euro. Once fixed, I recommend testing the electronic brake function daily for the first week to ensure the system glitch doesnt return. My repair has held up perfectly for over 40000 KM now.
My mileage is quite similar at 130717 KM, and like you mentioned, the brake fault appeared without any warning. Good to hear your repair has been reliable long-term. Just got back from the workshop after their brake diagnostics. You were spot on, they found a faulty caliper motor on the driver side rear brake. The system glitch matches exactly what you described. Total repair quote is 580 Euro including the new electronic brake components and labor. They have ordered the parts and scheduled the repair for next week. The workshop confirmed they will do a complete brake control system calibration after replacing the motor. Really appreciate your detailed explanation of the repair process, it helped me understand what to expect and gave me confidence that this is a known issue with a proven fix. Will definitely follow your advice about testing the electronic parking brake daily after the repair to ensure everything works correctly. Vehicle safety is my top priority, so its reassuring to hear your fix has lasted over 40000 KM without any further brake fault issues.
Since you have an SQ7, I can share my similar experience with a 2019 Q8, they share much of the same electronic brake system architecture. I have some experience with these types of issues, having owned several vehicles from this brand. The electronic brake failure symptoms you describe match exactly what I encountered. The brake fault warning persisted and the electronic parking brake became completely unresponsive. After initial brake diagnostics, my workshop identified a defective electric motor in the brake caliper which was causing the brake control system to fail. The repair involved: Complete diagnostic scan of the brake control module, Removal and replacement of the faulty brake caliper motor, System recalibration, Final testing of all electronic brake functions Total repair time was about 4 hours and cost me 505 Euro including parts and labor. The electronic brake system has worked flawlessly since the repair. To help further, could you provide: Current mileage, Any other warning lights or messages, Whether the issue occurred suddenly or developed gradually, If you notice any unusual sounds when engaging the parking brake This information would help determine if your issue is identical to what I experienced or if additional brake diagnostics might be needed.