Significant Performance Issues with 2022 Gasoline Renault Arkana: Possible Air Mass Sensor Failure
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Shaking while idling
Loss of engine power
Poor fuel economy
Check engine light on
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
Stalling while idling
Engine shuts off by itself
4 comment(s)
Hey there, Sounds like a real bummer! I've seen my Arkana throw a fit similar to what you're describing with your Kadjar. Seemed like the whole engine was working against me. I, too, had my check engine light blazing, with an appetite for petrol like no other. Yikes! The Mass Air Flow sensor theory seems to hit the nail right on the head. It's like trying to breathe with a stuffed nose for our cars, right? After reading your response, I'm more convinced than ever to get this baby to a professional straight away. Can't let my ride suffer any more than it already has, and stalling at a red light is nightmare fuel for sure. By the way, do you happen to remember what the repair set you back roughly? And did something else crop up later related to this, or was it smooth sailing from there on out? Best
Hey back, Right you are! It's like our engines caught a bad cold and couldn't catch their breath. The day I got my Renault checked out felt like quite the relief, to be honest. And regarding your question about the repair costs - hope you're sitting down for this - it set me back by a cool 415€. Yea, it was like a punch in the gut, but got the defect in the Mass Air Flow sensor sorted. Seems steep, right? But considering the risk of further damage to the engine, it felt like a bitter pill worth swallowing. I mean, who wants an engine on the fritz, just gulping down fuel while coughing out black smoke every time we hit the pedal! And no, nothing else to report since then, it's been smooth sailing. No more unwanted drama or surprise stalls. It feels like my Kadjar's got its 'groove' back, you know? Hope you get the same outcome. Good luck! Cheers!
Hey, A solid €415 - that does sting a bit, not gonna lie. But as you mentioned, better to swallow that bitter pill now and get the beast back on form than watch it struggle and chalk up even heftier bills down the line. Your relief post-check is what I'm aiming for right now. The last thing I need this turtle of mine doing any more impressions of a booze-guzzling, smoke-spewing dragon at red lights. Crisis or not, it's good to hear your Kadjar found its mojo again post-repairs. That gives me hope for my Arkana. Off to the garage first thing tomorrow – wish me luck! I'll update here how it went. Thanks for your time - really appreciate the advice. Take it easy. All the best
Hey, Sounds just like what I went through with my 2019 Renault Kadjar a while back, pretty similar symptoms. I had an issue where my Check Engine light was flashing, the car was a bit jerky when accelerating and was guzzling fuel as if it had a drinking problem. So, definitely understand your concern here. Turned out it was a defect in the Mass Air Flow sensor. Sure does a number on the performance when it's shot. It controls the amount of air that goes into the engine; so, when it’s not working right, the engine gets hit and spiked like what we’re seeing here. It wasn't a minor issue for sure - was pretty big in my case - needed the replacement of the sensor. I won't sugarcoat it: the symptoms you're experiencing sound pretty serious and the defect can cause some lasting damage to the engine if not addressed soon enough. My advice? Don't delay, get it to the garage ASAP. I found out the hard way by stalling at a red light. Not fun. Hope this helps. Get it sorted and good luck!