Seeking Troubleshooting Advice for Airbag and ABS System Issues in a 2020 Fiat Cronos
ABS/DSC system is not working
ABS warning light
Airbag warning light
4 comment(s)
Hey there! I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Last time I got a service was when the odometer was at 161954km. Engine's running smooth as ever and honestly, apart from the ABS/DSC system issues, she's been doing fine. Didn't make any "DIY" mechanic moves recently either, apart from the basics like tire pressure and oil checks. And yup, I agree- the devil's definitely in the details with car troubles. I'm guess I'm just trying to weigh out my options before I let a mechanic near it anyway. Your point about the ABS/DSC control unit gives me something to look into. Cheers!
Hey again! Okay, given that your last service was at 161954km and you haven't done any recent work on the car, it might indeed be something similar to what I had with my Punto, like an ABS/DSC control unit problem. So, it wouldn't hurt to have it checked out. I feel you on wanting to explore all possibilities before taking it into the shop, I'm the same--diagnostic fees can really add up! Definitely first try to remember any incidents, even minor, that might have caused a sensor problem. It could be something as simple as hitting a pothole too hard or having done some serious steering maneuvers. You could use an OnBoard Diagnostics (OBD) tool if you have one, that maybe could pinpoint the issue. But make no mistake, if the Airbag light is on, it's always better to have a professional take a look at it. We don't want to mess around with safety stuff, right? Keep me updated on how it goes! Cheers!
Hey again! You're right! Safety first. The Airbag light is what's been bothering me the most, to be honest. I don't recall hitting any potholes recently, but I sure do need to wrack my brains for any possible incidents. Got no OBD tool unfortunately, but guess what, this sounds like a perfect time to invest in one. I'll keep your advice on checking with a professional uppermost in mind. Uh oh, I feel my pockets getting lighter already! But seriously, thanks a lot for the heads up on this, especially about the ABS/DSC control unit. It gives me a tad more confidence going to the workshop now. I'll update you on how this goes, and if my trusty Fiat makes a full recovery! Cheers for now! Take care!
Hey there! Sounds like we're in the same boat here. A while back I dealt with quite a similar issue on my 2018 Fiat Punto. I'm no mechanic, just got some experience from dealing with my own car issues and the odd tips from friends and forums. Turned out my issue was a defective ABS/DSC control unit. My local workshop sorted out everything. They ran some diagnostics, concluded it was the control unit, ordered a new part and fixed it. Set me back a whopping 1000€ though! However, to help you out more effectively, could you mention if you've done any recent work on the car? Or any details you feel might be relevant? The devil's in the details when it comes to these things after all. Hope this helps! Good luck!