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Seeking Solutions for Reduced Performance and Poor Fuel Efficiency in a 2005 Lexus GS Hybrid

Check engine light on

Longer cold start time

Loss of engine power

Poor fuel economy

Car won't start

Jerking on acceleration

Hey! I'm currently facing a bit of a pickle with my '05 Lexus GS Hybrid. Lately, it there's been a check engine light on, it takes forever to start especially in the cold, feels like it's lost some zip, and delivers a bit of a jerk when I punch the accelerator. Plus, it seems like I'm burning through fuel faster than usual - miles per gallon has fallen seriously. I had a hunch it could be something to do with the smooth running control acting up. Anyone else experienced these issues and figured out what's going on? More importantly, how did you or your mechanic troubleshoot and sort it out? Appreciate any help with this!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! Not an expert but I've got some experience. Had a similar issue with my 2007 Lexus LS series. Gave me the same set of troubles. As you've guessed, the problem was with the air intake system - mine had heavily contaminated intake channels. Took it to my local garage and after a good cleaning, she was purring like a kitten again. The bill came around 425 Euro, so wasn't exactly cheap. But the difference in performance? Night and day. Worth checking out I'd say. By the way, any mods on your '05 GS? Also, is it the 450h or the 460? That might change things a bit. Little more info could help narrow things down. Good luck!

StefBau19 (Author)

Hey, thanks for the response! Nah, no mods on my GS and it's the 450h version. I've put roughly 143917 KM on it - might be those old bones starting to creak, haha! Interesting point about the air intake system; seems like a thorough cleanup might be in order. Thanks again for the tip. I'll make sure to let you know how it goes!


Hey back! No problem, happy to share what I've been through. Yeah, with that kind of mileage, a good clean-up of the air intake system, and maybe even the throttle body, could definitely do some good. Also, be sure to check if the air filter needs replacing. In my case, the mechanic also suggested checking the mass air flow sensor. If it's faulty or dirty it could lead to incorrect data being sent to the engine control unit which might cause these issues too. A quick clean or a replacement, if needed, might solve the problem. Anyway, fingers crossed! I know the hassle of dealing with car issues. Hope it all works out for you! Let us know what you find out.

StefBau19 (Author)

Cheers for that follow-up! I'll definitely add in the throttle body and, mass air sensor to the items to inspect and possibly clean or replace as needed. Wish me luck, I'll be popping the hood this weekend! Will definitely keep you posted on how it all pans out. Here's hoping I can restore that smooth Lexus ride!

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