Seeking Solutions for Locking Issues and Dim Lights in 2022 Diesel Volvo XC60
Dim or flickering lights
Vehicle cannot be unlocked or locked
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Thanks so much for that insight - that's really helpful. Yes, our models are definitely a little different, so maybe some nuances there. My 2022 XC60 Diesel has done about 38475 km so far. It's got its latest service check very recently. The issue seemed to come up suddenly, there weren't any warning signs or something. So possibly could be that cable issue you mentioned. I guess I'll haul it over to my workshop this week and have them check it out - hopefully, it isn't too major of a repair. If anyone else also has had similar experiences, feel free to chime in. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey again! Glad I could help, even if it's just a bit. You know, it's quite similar to how my issue started out - almost out of the blue. Given that your XC60 has a recent service check too, makes me believe more that it might be the same cable problem. Remember not to stress. It's a bit of a pickle, but not something your workshop couldn't handle. In my case, once the cable was replaced, everything started working fine again. And look at the bright side, at least we aren't looking at something major like the transmission or engine, right? Do give us an update once you've taken the vehicle into the workshop. Would be interesting to see if it's the same issue, reaffirms my faith in my auto-deductive skills, haha. Take care! Cheers.
(Translated from German)
Hey there, your responses are more helpful than "just a bit" for sure! And you're absolutely right, at least it's not the transmission or engine - those fixes could burn a huge hole in the pocket. I'll definitely take your advice into account and head to the workshop this week. And I will certainly keep you posted on how it goes - it'd be interesting indeed if it turns out to be the same cable problem! Thanks again for your help. Have a great day! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey, it's funny you mentioned that because I had a similar issue on my 2020 Volvo XC90. I'm no expert in cars, but I've faced a few issues occasion. What happened with my vehicle was that the cable connecting to the outdoor handle electronics and the control unit went defective. Had no choice but to take it straight to my local workshop. Quite a straightforward fix really, but it did cost me around 110 Euro. I'd suggest you give that a check in your XC60 as well. Can you share more about your model, just in case if differences could affect the diagnosis? It's better to have as much info as possible. Cheers!
(Translated from German)