Seeking Solution for Non-Working Navigation System in 2022 Seat Tarraco and Mechanic Recommendations
Navigationssystem is not working
4 comment(s)
Hey, Your response hit right home. I had a small inkling it might be a fuse issue, but now that you've mentioned the wiring issue as well, I'm beginning to think I might be in the same boat. By any chance, do you recall roughly how much the repair cost you? And since that fix, any further nuisances or has it been smooth sailing? Your mechanic sounds like a saint, I'm around the downtown area too, so could definitely give him a swing by if things get worse. Cheers for the advice!
Hey, I'm glad I could shed some light on the possible issue for ya. I remember when the work was done on my Ateca, the total bill for sorting out the display damage came up to around 725 Euro. It felt a bit steep at the time but trust me, it was worth every penny, especially considering the peace of mind provided. Since I had it fixed, the navigation system has been running smoother than a hot knife through butter, no problems at all. Looks like my guy did a pretty solid job, so hopefully, your situation turns out the same too. If you're around downtown, definitely give him a try. It's like they say, you get what you pay for, and in this case, it’s quality work. Keep us posted, alright? Cheers!
Hey, Appreciate the quick response and that info is a life-saver! I can budget around that figure and it's good to hear that it's holding up well since the repair. Peace of mind indeed! Given the circumstances, it seems like I'll indeed be making that visit downtown. Thanks a ton for the recommendation, really needed that after some horrific past experiences. I'll keep you updated on how it turns out. Thanks again. Cheers!
Hey, I totally feel you. Had a similar issue with my 2019 Seat Ateca a while back. Crazy similar, the infotainment system was acting up, screen went totally black, just silence. Turned out to be a fuse issue in my case. But it wasn't a one-and-done deal. There was some wiring correction needed too, as the main power source had some glitches. Those trips to the service center were surely a ball. It might not be a quick fix for you, but hey, don't panic. It’s not a terminal diagnosis, just a good mechanic's job. Wish I could recommend my guy, absolute gem, professional and knows his stuff, but not sure if he’s anywhere near ya. He's located in the downtown area. Hope this helps!