Seeking Advice: '14 Volvo S40 Gas Navigation System Screen Blackout
Navigationssystem is not working
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey! Super helpful to hear about your experience. Glad your issue could get sorted. And yep, fingers crossed my trip to the repair shop pans out well! Scraping the bottom of my memory here, but could you possibly recall the cost you forked out for that head unit replacement? And has any other related issue popped up since then? Cheers for the info, really appreciate it!
(Translated from German)
Hey again! Just had a quick peek at my past receipts, and the cost for the head unit replacement was around €725. It felt like a chunk of change at the time but considering the headache it saved me afterwards, I'd say it was well spent. You know, since the fix, my nav system has been running crisp and clear, not even a tiny blip on the screen. So the previous issues seem to have vanished post-repair. I must admit I was a tad skeptical when the mechanic initially mentioned the cost, but it proves itself to be worthwhile. Honestly, it's pretty reassuring knowing that I can finally rely on my navigation again! Hope this helps with your decision. Good luck with the repair shop trip!
(Translated from German)
Absolutely brilliant! Got the exact info I was hunting for. And, yeah, the amount seems hefty at first glance but if it can defuse this constant headache, it should be worth every penny. The fact that your nav system has been smooth sailing since gives me a bit of comfort. A reliable navigation system is a must for me, so it seems like I'll just have to bite the bullet on this one. I'm definitely armed with more understanding heading to the garage this time. Hope my repair journey goes just as well as yours did. Will keep you posted on how it goes - let's see if lightening does strike twice! Appreciate all the help. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there! I drive a '17 Volvo V40 Diesel, and I ran into a similar issue not too long ago. In my case, the display was glitchy, not completely blacked out, but substantial enough to be a pain. Initially, I thought it was a software issue, but it turned out to be a hardware problem. My mechanic explained to me that the head unit had to be replaced, as some internal component malfunctioned. It wasn't a small deal, but it wasn't an extremely serious issue. My mechanic told me it's a rare occurrence in well-maintained Volvos, but, yep, it happened to me. He checked some other models and versions, and the problem seemed to be specific to my model, not a brand-wide defect. I know it could be frustrating to deal with such issues, especially given the miles on your car. But at the garage, they managed to get the work done without any complications. Here's hoping your experience at the repair shop goes smoother this time around!
(Translated from German)