Seeking Advice on Troubleshooting Key Fob and Locking/Unlocking Issues on 2021 Hybrid Renault Arkana
Locking/Unlocking issue
Key fob issues
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your quick response! Just thinking back, the beast had its routine service at the 158197 km mark not too long ago. Besides the standard oil and filter change, the guys at the shop did a full systems check and found no faults at all. Didn't have anything to do with the locks and keys though - especially not with the key fob - so I'm still at a loss. Wondering if I've to shell out 390 Euro as you did, hoping for a cheaper way out though.
Hey there! That's interesting, nothing with the locks or fobs during the service, huh? Strange. From my experience with the Kadjar, I can tell you that key fob issues can creep up over time and won't necessarily show up during your routine car system checks. Could be that a dying battery in the fob or a weakened transponder is messing with your access control. I probably suggest doing a quick ol' DIY battery replacement in the fob before heading to a professional. It's super simple, and could save you a few quid. If that doesn't cut it, then yeah, it may come down to getting a professional to look it over. I know, it's a pain, but better sorted than left. Keep us posted!
Hey there, cheers! That could very well be it - a battery or transponder issue. I'll definitely give the DIY battery replacement a shot first, seems to be the cheapest fix for now. Your point about issues creeping up over time makes a lot of sense too, my little beauty isn't getting any younger. If the DIY doesn't work, I'll for sure get a professional to sort this out. Thanks again for all your advice, it really helped. Will keep you updated on how it goes. Cheers!
Hey, I experienced something similar with my 2017 Diesel Renault Kadjar. I'd say I've got some experience with cars, although I'm no mechanic. I noticed a similar issue, ended up being a faulty door handle for comfort access. I took my old girl to the local workshop, they were super helpful. Cost me a cool 390 Euro to get it sorted. Just an idea, can you tell me more about recent changes or work done on the car? It could be linked to your issue.