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Seeking Advice on Troubleshooting 2024 BMW IX2 Electric Seat Fault Issue

Electric seats malfunction


Fault stored

Hey fellow auto enthusiasts, I'm having a bit of a unique issue with my 2024 BMW IX2 Electric. The electric seats are on the fritz and the fault's been stored. I'm guessing it could be a functional issue with the seat. Has anyone here encountered this before? If so, could you share how it panned out at the workshop? I'm on the hunt for tips and personal experiences to nail down this issue. Thanks in advance!

4 comment(s)

Best Answer


Hey there! Faced a similar issue with my 2022 BMW IX3. Not a car expert, just some decent layman's experience. I had this issue where the problem was with the cable and plug connection, it was defective. Took it to my trusted workshop, they quickly identified the issue and replaced some parts. Only set me back 95 Euro, pretty affordable fix. Your situation might be quite similar, but without your car’s specifics, it's hard to give more detailed advice. Can you offer more info about the situation? Feel free to fire any other questions, always here to help out! Cheers!

GabiSchneidi (Author)

Hey, thanks for the speedy reply! That's actually pretty interesting, a cable and plug connection issue never crossed my mind. As for my car's specifics, it's clocked up about 1257 KM since the last service and the seat issue started about a week ago. No recent accidents or anything unusual, just started malfunctioning out of the blue. Do you think the issue could be similar to yours, based on this info? Cheers!


Hey! Always glad to help out. Given the specifics you've shared, it does sound like it could be around the same ballpark as my issue. It's just unusual for the electric seats to malfunction without any incident. But hey, stranger things have happened, right? The milage you've shared shouldn't have much to do with the seats. It's likely down to the wiring or the connection between the plugs and cables just like what I experienced with my IX3. Take it to your workshop and ask them to check out the cables, connectors, and also the seat power module. It doesn't sound like a core functional issue with the seat itself. Can't say for sure, but I'd put my money on a simpler fix. Hope that makes things a bit clearer for you. Do keep us updated and let us know how it goes. Cheers!

GabiSchneidi (Author)

Appreciate this a ton! It's quite reassuring that it doesn't seem likely to be a massive structural issue. I'll get my IX2 to the workshop and have them look at the cables, connectors, and the seat power module like you suggested. Fingers crossed it's a simple and affordable fix like yours was. Will definitely keep you posted on the progress. Thanks again for sharing your experience and tips, invaluable stuff really. Cheers!

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