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Seeking Advice on Troubleshooting 2012 Dacia Sandero Engine Issues

Valve adjustment noise


Metal shavings in oil


Jerking on acceleration


Unsteady engine


Poor fuel economy


Loss of engine power


Weird engine noise


Check engine light on

Hey everyone, Have any of y'all tried fixing a 2012 gasoline Dacia Sandero that's acting nuts? My ride's got about 24k clicks on it and it's showing a ton of warning signs like the check engine light being lit up like a Christmas tree, engine acting all jittery and noisy, and gulping gas like a thirsty camel. Plus, there's this freaky metal specks popping up in the oil, and it's not even crunching gears. I've got this gut feeling the mechanics bungled up the camshaft adjustment last time. They weren't much to write home about, so I don't trust 'em now. Has anyone else gone through this? Any words of wisdom on sorting out this mess or cool local mechanics who won't rip me off? Really appreciate any bit of help. Cheers.

4 comment(s)


Hi! Can totally relate to your ordeal! I had a similar issue with my 2015 Dacia Logan. Fiercely stubborn check engine light, gas guzzling, the whole nine yards. I had noticed metal specks in the engine oil too, which is most definitely a bad sign. Turns out it was a defective Valve servomotor. You're right on the money with your hunch. Last time I was at the garage, that was exactly the issue. It seems like it isn't a common problem, but it's definitely one that can cause chaos in the poor car’s life. My suggestion: get it fixed as soon as possible. It's a serious issue that could lead to some major engine damage if left unchecked. Fortunately for me, I have a reliable mechanic who identified the issue quickly. After they replaced the valve servomotor, the engine felt like a dream again. So, if your 2012 Sandero's symptoms match up, you gotta act quickly. Good luck and hope you get your car back up and running smoothly in no time. Keep us posted, will ya? Cheers!

GTAMeyer (Author)

Hey there your situation sounds like a super bummer! Glad to see you managed to figure it all out with your Logan. That defective valve servomotor thing sounds like it could really mess your ride big time if it's not taken care of. I've got a Sandero as well and I'm starting to worry that I might have the same camshaft issue you had. My engine's been making some weird noises lately and the fuel economy is... well, let's just say it's been better. Hey, you remember what the damage was to your wallet when you got that valve servomotor replaced? Plus, was that the end of it, or have you run into any more issues since that repair? I'm trying to get a heads up on what I might be in for. Thanks a ton and fingers crossed we all stay on the road!


Hey! Yup, the pesky valve servomotor was a pain and did take a toll on the wallet. It cost me around 405€ to get that sucker replaced. But let me tell you, every Euro was worth it. As for the camshaft adjustment error, after seeing the mechanic, that was sorted too. The car's been running as smooth as butter since then, just purring away! I know it may seem like a hefty chunk of change, but honestly, it's a small price to pay to avoid any more nasty surprises down the line. I suggest you get it checked out ASAP if your ride's showing those symptoms. This stuff can spiral into some big-ticket damage if left unchecked. Stay on the lookout, and drive safe! Keep us in the loop, alright? Cheers!

GTAMeyer (Author)

Hey and, What an amazing community we have here, cheers to that! Thanks for sharing your experience, it seems resonating with my Sandero's problem. And I feel for you, looks like we're in the same boat. Like y'all suggested, I hurried to get a second opinion today from a mechanic a of mine referred. He had a quick look and seems pretty sure it's the valve servomotor on the blink along with camshaft tweaks to be done. He quoted me a similar price around 410 €. It’s a bitter pill to swallow but seeing how much's Logan improved, I'd bet it's worth it. Booked in for the repair first thing Monday. I'll definitely fill you all in once my Sandero's out of the ICU on the flip side. Keep your fingers crossed, and any more advice is welcome. Great chit-chatting with you talk soon! Take care.

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