Seeking Advice on Troubleshooting 2005 Kia Opirus with Black Exhaust Smoke, Fuel Consumption, and Stalling Issues
Check engine light on
Stalling while idling
Engine shuts off by itself
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
Loss of engine power
Poor fuel economy
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Strong exhaust smell
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the tip! It started acting up last week, just out of the blue, you know? Done around 97594 on the clock, serviced last month. No weird noises on starting, but she's just not running like she used to, if you catch my drift. It's a bit rich for my blood, but if it's a faulty injector like you suggest, I guess it's off to the workshop we go. Thanks for your help, will keep y'all posted!
Hey, sorry to hear your Kia's still acting up. The more you tell me, the more I'm convinced it's very likely a similar situation to what I had. The sudden onset, poor fuel economy, no odd noises on start-up - it's almost like déjà vu! The good news is once it's sorted, you get your smooth ride back and you can kiss those obnoxious exhaust issues goodbye too. Just remember, delays might end up costing you more. If it is the injector, every mile you drive could potentially damage more components due to poor combustion, and believe me, that is more expensive than fixing an injector. Let's just hope for the best. Remember, peace of mind is worth a few extra pennies sometimes. Keep us updated. We're rooting for you!
Cheers for the advice. I'm booking an appointment with the mechanic first thing tomorrow. As you said, better to cough up cash now than end up with a bigger repair bill later. Fingers crossed that sorting this injector business will fix my ride. I'm already missing the smooth drives! I'll definitely let you lot know how it goes. Thanks again for all the help; it's been much appreciated!
Hey, sounds like you're in a bit of bother with your Opirus. I've got a 2003 Kia Carnival which had a surprisingly similar problem a while back. I've got a bit of experience with cars - nothing fancy like an actual mechanic, but I can roll up my sleeves when needed. Anyway, when I noticed similar symptoms in my car (smoky exhaust and rough idling), I took it to my local workshop. It turned out to be a defective injector - a right pain in the tailpipe if you ask me. Cost me 515 Euro to get it fixed, but it's been smooth sailing since. Have you got any more info about your car's condition? Like when did these issues start or if there are strange noises when you're starting the engine. Details like these could help getting a better view of the issue. It could very well be a similar problem to what I had. Take care, let us know how you go!