Seeking Advice on Possible Engine Oil Temperature Sensor Issue in 2018 Nissan XTrail
Metal shavings in oil
Oil light on
Weird engine noise
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there, that's a scenario that hits too close to home. Your Qashqai experience sounds uncannily similar to the woes of my beloved XTrail. Guess it's time I start preparing myself for a dreaded coolant leak possibility, on top of the suspect oil temperature sensor. Just my luck, eh? Just out of curiosity, do you remember how much your mechanic charged to replace that dodgy water pump? And on that note, did any other related issue pop up since you sorted it out? Fingers crossed for an otherwise smooth ride from here on out. Thanks for sharing your experience. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, your worries are completely valid, but you know, sometimes we just gotta deal with what life - or our car - throws at us. As for your question about the repair costs, hmmm, let's see...I had to fork out 52.5€ just for the coolant level issue. They had to repair some leakage and top it off too. But hey, on the positive side, no other issues popped up since sorting out these teething troubles with my ol' Qashqai! There was indeed a problem with the Engine Oil Temperature sensor but after giving it a good inspection and a fix, she’s been running smoother than a traveller down a pint of Guinness! Here's to hoping your XTrail gets back to purring effortlessly soon too! Stay calm and let's keep the rubber on the road. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, Ah, you're right! It's all about dealing with our challenges head on isn't it? And in this case, it's my XTrail throwing a fit. 52.5€ for the coolant leakage repair seems like a fair enough deal. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a similar quote, and no further troubles for my girl. And that Engine Oil Temperature sensor tale makes it clear that it's definitely worth looking into. Alright then, I suppose it’s doomsday at the mechanic’s once again. The ghosts of past experience worry me, but your Qashqai’s recovery gives hope. Guess it’s time to rip off the Band-Aid and head on for a fix. Thanks again for your shared experience and encouragement, it’s been invaluable! Onwards, to smoother drives and quieter rides. Safe driving! Cheers.
(Translated from German)
Hey, Sounds like a bit of a right headache you've got there with your XTrail! I've got a 2015 Nissan Qashqai and had an issue a while back that sounds vaguely similar. My coolant level kept plunging way too low every couple of weeks, despite me just having topped it up. Heck, the annoying 'low coolant level' warning light was practically my dashboard's favorite feature! Anyway, like you, I had some scary metal bits in the oil during a change. The car wasn't sounding right, and it kept overheating. I took it to a decent garage and after a proper look-see, turned out my water pump had given up the ghost. It was causing a slow coolant leak, messing with the engine temperature, and causing a bit of internal damage (hence the metal bits). So, it might not be exactly the same issue for you, but don't rule out the possibility of some kind of coolant leak at least playing a part. That, and definitely get that janky oil issue of yours thoroughly checked too. I was lucky. My guy sorted me out, and this old cruise is purring like a kiwi once again! Hope you find a good mechanic. And yeah, it was a pretty serious issue, but thankfully not a total disaster. Saving trips to the mechanic! Hope you get your baby fixed soon. Cheers!
(Translated from German)