Seeking Advice on Overheating and Low Coolant Issue in 2006 Hyundai Accent Diesel Engine: Suspected PTC Heater Malfunction
Coolant level low
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
4 comment(s)
Hey there, thanks for the suggestions! To answer your questions, my car's battery seems in decent shape. Can't recall the last time I faced an issue with it. As for the mileage, she's driven a good 42568 km so far. If it indeed is the auxiliary heater acting up, I guess I'll have to prepare my wallet for the hit! I will definitely keep y'all updated on the situation. Thanks again!
Hey! The mileage isn't too eye-popping, considering the year of manufacture. From my experience, parts start to act up mostly due to age and wear. About the battery, just keep an eye out as a faulty heater could cause undue strain on it, especially during these colder months. Regarding the cost, yeah, it can be a bit of a blow, but think about it this way, if it's indeed the heater, you're better off getting slapped with a 350€ bill now than getting hit with a more expensive engine repair later. You might want to try flushing and refilling the coolant system first before diving into the auxiliary heater issue. The overheating and low coolant level could just be a sign of it needing a fresh batch. Only suggesting as it helped in my case. Can't wait to hear back from you, champ! It's like living through my old car issues again. Hang in there, it'll all work out!
you're a lifesaver! Honestly, wasn't even considering the coolant system angle but it totally makes sense. Over the weekend, I'll start by giving the coolant system a good flush and refill then gauge the situation. If it's still throwing fits, I'll then head for the professional diagnostic concerning the auxiliary heater. I've certainly warmed up to the idea of a one-time hit over potential successive, and more expensive, engine repairs. But hey, a part of owning a car, right? Thanks a ton for your advice and for sharing your experience. Fingers crossed it's just the coolant system and I'll keep you in the loop, you can count on it!
Hey there! Sounds like you're going through a bit of a pickle. I had a pretty similar issue with my 2004 Hyundai Elantra not too long ago. Can relate! Now, I'm no mechanic, but I've dealt with my fair share of car related problems in the past years, so I'd say I have some experience. What I ended up doing was taking my car to a trusted local workshop. They ran some diagnostics and pinpointed the issue to the electric auxiliary heater being defective. The damage to the pocket? A cool 350€. How's your car's battery condition? Also, how many miles do you have on the clock? You know, to determine how worn the parts are. Hope this helps! Keep us posted, will ya?