Seeking Advice on Overheating and Check Engine Light Issues in 2017 Nissan Quest
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, good shout! I hadn't thought about the cable connection. Appreciate you dropping the wisdom. Do you remember off the top of your head roughly how much they pinged you for that fix? And did they find any other issues when they did the full system check, or was it just the faulty cable messing things up? Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey, yeah, I remember the costs pretty well, it set me back around 170 bucks to sort out the shady cable connection. The mechanics did a real thorough check, top to bottom, but didn't spot anything else out of order. You realize, right, the car was doing all that funky stuff mainly 'cause of the lousy cable. Interestingly, though, when I thought it might be an Auxiliary coolant pump fault, turns out it was all good, no issues there, your hunch was spot on. So, have a professional give your car a look-out, probably it ain't as bad as you fear. Best of luck!
(Translated from German)
Oh, you've really put me at ease! I was budgeting a lot more, worried it might be a big issue. I'll definitely be asking for a thorough cable checkup, seems it could well be the culprit. It nice to hear the Auxiliary coolant pump wasn't to blame in your case, I'm hoping for a similar result. Really appreciate you sharing your experience, helped me a ton. Cheers and take care!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, I had a similar issue with my 2014 Nissan Rogue not too long ago. Turned out the cable connection was defective on my ride. It wasn't really an Auxiliary coolant pump problem like you're suspecting, though. Spent a good day at the garage where they diagnosed it. From what they explained, a poor connection can mess up the signals traveling between different components, which can lead to all sorts of funny behaviors like overheating and warning lights. It wasn't a massive panic issue. Just needed a fix without any delay. They ended up replacing the cable and doing a full system check to make sure it didn't screw up anything else in the vehicle. So, I'd recommend getting that checked. You might just need a new cable connection rather than any major surgery on your car. All the best!
(Translated from German)