Seeking Advice on Nissan Qashqai 2020 Model: Persistent Check Engine Light, Difficult Starts, and Power Loss - Potential Crankshaft Sensor Issue?
Unsteady engine
Engine shuts off by itself
Check engine light on
Longer cold start time
Loss of engine power
Car won't start
(Translated from German)
6 comment(s)
Hey, thanks a lot for the quick response! I'll definitely consider your advice about the crankshaft sensor wiring harness/connector. So, on the mileage part, I've clocked in 49940 KM until now and recently had my regular service done. But you know the car has been acting weird since then, to be honest, nothing obvious popped up during the service and maintenance though. It's a delicate situation, and I just wish to get over with it ASAP. Anyway, I'm taking it to a workshop tomorrow, fingers crossed it'll not be anything serious or expensive. I'll keep you guys updated.
(Translated from German)
Hey, sounds like you've ticked off the maintenance part, which is good. You know, sometimes, weird issues start cropping up after servicing, but they're usually down to some minor thing that was overlooked. Since your Nissan Qashqai's a 2020 model, it's equipped with advanced diagnostics which are gonna be much of a help while troubleshooting your issues. When you go to the workshop, have 'em do a detailed check of the crankshaft sensor harness as previously mentioned, along with the Engine Control Module (ECM) and the engine's grounding wires. All these components can cause similar symptoms - same ones you've described. The good news is, these are not ridiculously expensive to fix if there's a problem. Always best to catch 'em early before they lead to bigger problems. Isn't that why we love cars—never a dull moment, eh? Anyway, do keep us in the loop after your workshop visit. Wishing you luck, and hoping it's a simple, quick fix!
(Translated from German)
Definitely, I couldn't agree more with what you just said about cars! There's never a dull moment with them. Thanks again for the reassurance and that detailed advice. I'll ask the workshop guys to specifically check out the crankshaft sensor harness, ECM and grounding wires. Hoping to get this all cleared up soon and drive my Qashqai smoothly. Stay tuned, will keep you all posted about any new developments.
(Translated from German)
Is the water box plastic or is the thermostat can fail, on nissan qashqai of 2019 j11, because I saw on the internet that there was deterioration at the plastic weld and break without alert temperatures on the dashboard
Hello Michel, Unfortunately your question is not clear enough. Can you please explain your issue more clearly? Did you scan your vehicle for any fault codes? Thank you.
Best Answer
Hey there, I can definitely relate to your issue! A couple of years back, I had a '2018 Nissan Altima' with just about the same symptoms. Now, let me preface this by saying I'm no mechanic, but I've had some experience tinkering with my car. I decided to pop into a local workshop, and they ran a diagnostic test for me. Came to light that the crankshaft sensor wiring harness/connector was defective. I had it replaced, and it set me back around 170€. However, it did solve my problem! Car was back to purring like a kitten - no more power loss or rough idling. It might not be an identical issue, but given the similarity, it's worth a shot. Any chance you could tell me a little more about your car's symptoms? Mileage, recent maintenance, any prior issues, things like that? The more details I have, the better advice I might be able to pass along.
(Translated from German)