Seeking Advice on Faulty Heated Windows in 2000 Volvo V50
Heated windows without function
Fault stored
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Your experience sounds remarkably similar to the pickle I'm finding myself in. It's a relief to hear it could potentially be a battery issue and not something massively complicated. Just for me to have an idea, do you remember roughly how much it set you back to replace the battery? Also, since you've made the swap, have you come across any other issues related to this? Cheers for the advice, seriously appreciate it!
(Translated from German)
Hey, glad I could provide a bit of insight. As for your queries, the battery replacement wasn't too steep - set me back by about 290€. Also, since the swap, no qualms at all! More importantly, that weird issue with the rear window heating that I had before? Totally sorted after seeing the mechanic. So, all in all, it seems it was indeed that pesky weak battery causing a bit of chaos. Hope this helps and you get your pride and joy on the road right as rain soon! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey, your advice is gold. Honestly, I was fearing the issues would mean a steep mechanic bill. But hearing that it might be a battery problem and your experience turning out well gives me a reassuring feeling. Also, 290 € doesn't sound like a nasty punch to the wallet. Already feeling the relief from here! Starting tomorrow, I'm getting my beauty checked out and fingers crossed it's nothing major. Seriously, thanks heaps for sharing your experience. Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey there! I get the struggle. About a year back, my 2003 Volvo V70 faced something similar. The battery was weak so I was down on power for things like heated windows. Mechanically, it wasn't a massive issue but indeed a head-scratcher. Over two or three days, I noticed the car struggling to start in the morning and more concerning, the rear window heater acting up. I took it to the garage as soon as things started to add up. After hooking it up to his systems, the mechanic called out the problem as a weak battery. With their recommendation, I had the battery swapped out and since then, it's been smooth sailing. Of course, every car's different and yours might have a unique thing going, but it wouldn't hurt to have the battery health checked out. And if you decide to go for a replacement, be sure to pick a quality one. Hope this gives you some clarity and helps you out! Best of luck!
(Translated from German)