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Seeking Advice on Check Engine Light and Fuel Consumption Issues in 2000 Hyundai Galloper

Strong exhaust smell


Poor fuel economy


Check engine light on

Hey guys, I've been having a bit of trouble with my 2000 Hyundai Galloper running on Gasoline. Lately, she's been showing the check engine light, guzzling way more fuel than usual, and there's a potent smell from the exhaust. I have a hunch that there might be something off with the control of the secondary air valve. Anybody else had this issue? I'm curious to hear about your experiences with troubleshooting and fixing this. What was the diagnosis and fix when you took it to the garage? Thanks in advance!

4 comment(s)


Hey! Weirdly enough, I had a similar issue with my '98 Hyundai Terracan. If you're wondering about my level of car expertise, I would say I've got some experience under my belt, but I'm definitely not a pro mechanic. Anyway, turned out the electric switching valve was faulty on mine. I brought it to my trusty local garage and the guys there got it sorted. To fix it, they popped in a new valve and it's been running smooth since. They charged me 140 Euro though, but well worth it to get rid of the hassle. You could be dealing with the same issue. But to be sure, can you tell us if there are any other symptoms you've been noticing with your car? And also, is there any error code showing when you hook up a diagnostic tool? Cheers!

ElfieSchmidt (Author)

Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience, really appreciate it. Well, apart from the symptoms that I've mentioned earlier, my Hyundai has also become crankier when cold starting in mornings. Haven't checked for error codes though. My mileage is around 33143 km, and the last service was way back, which could be a contributing factor. I guess, based on your advice, the next logical step should be to hook up a diagnostic tool and check for any error codes for a detailed diagnosis. Cheers till then!


Hey there, No worries, man! We're all in this car-caring journey together. Spot on! Checking for error codes is an excellent start. Those pesky check engine lights can be frustrating, but a diagnostic tool will definitely help pinpoint what may be causing it. As for your comment about your beast cranky on cold mornings, it might indeed be linked to the air valve since it is one of the parts that regulate the engine's intake of air, which helps it maintain the correct temperature. And yes, overdue service could add to the problem, so you might want to get that scheduled soon. Anyway, get the codes checked out and let me know what comes up. Fingers crossed, it's just a minor problem. Cheers! Here's hoping you get your Galloper galloping smoothly again soon.

ElfieSchmidt (Author)

Hey! You’re absolutely right! And thank you for your support. It means a lot. Alright, taking it all in, it makes sense to start with the diagnostic codes and then tackle the overdue service. You’ve been extremely helpful with your advice. I’ll definitely let you know how it all turns out. So here's to hoping for a minor issue, nothing big. Cheers to you too! I hope to be back on the road, cruising smoothly with my Galloper real soon!

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