Seeking Advice on Brake Warning Light in 2020 Fiat 124 and Recommendations for Trustworthy Mechanic
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
4 comment(s)
Hey! Thanks for getting back to me. Your story definitely puts me a bit at ease, considering I won't be the first one dealing with something like this. You're so right about the safety first mantra, I can't ignore this issue for sure. So you had to replace your brake pads, rotors, and even the brake fluid? Sounds like a complete brake overhaul! I was just curious, if you don't mind me asking, can you remember around how much that whole job set you back? Also, has anything similar cropped up with your Fiat since you got those repairs done or has it all been smooth sailing? Your experience is pure gold for me right now! Thanks a ton and safe driving.
Hey! No worries happy to help a fellow car buff! As for the total cost, the whole brake job set me back about 480€, including both parts and labor. Wasn't exactly a Christmas present on the old wallet, but you can't put a price on safety, right? And to answer your second question, thankfully, no. I haven't had any issues with the brakes since I got them fixed. That visit to the mechanic did a solid job. Everything has been shipshape and Bristol fashion, not a squeak from the brakes! Stay safe on the roads out there! Cheers!
Hey! I really appreciate your detailed insight! Indeed, safety is priceless. 480.€ seems to be a reasonable investment given the seriousness of the matter. It's quite a relief to hear how perfect your Fiat's running post the brake job. I am hoping my beast will be in the same boat soon. You've been immensely helpful and I can't thank you enough for sharing your experience. If I'm ever in Pittsburgh, I will make sure to swing by Charlie's Garage. They sound like just the people for the job! Until then, happy and safe driving! Cheers!
Hey there, Got your message loud and clear. Faced something similar with my 2017 Fiat 500, Diesel engine just last year. Had around 70,000km on my beast when a warning light started nagging me. Turned out it was indeed the brakes acting up. Found out that the brake pads were completely worn out and needed to be replaced ASAP. Plus, the rotors also showed substantial wear, and it looked like they'd seen better days. My mechanic also suggested replacing the brake fluid as it surpassed its expected lifespan. So I figured, why not, better be safe than sorry, right? So, I ended up doing the whole nine yards—brake pads, rotors, and fluid all together. Wouldn't really say it was a serious issue. After all, brakes are a wear and tear part, but definitely not something to be dismissed as unimportant. Look, if your intuition is hinting at a brake problem, I wouldn't shrug it off if I were you. Safety first, always! Now, about the mechanic, depends on where you're based. I had my work done at "Charlie's Garage" in Pittsburg. Charlie and his team were straightforward, unwavering and trustworthy. A bit gruff, but they know their stuff. Give 'em a go if you're around. Hope the info helps! Drive safe!