Seeking Advice on 2020 Seat Tarraco Performance Issues: Suspected Faulty Camshaft Adjustment
Check engine light on
Loss of engine power
Unsteady engine
Poor fuel economy
Weird engine noise
Jerking on acceleration
Metal shavings in oil
Valve adjustment noise
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for getting back! Your insights are much appreciated, seriously. I reckon it might be something like a faulty cam cable/plug, just as you pointed out from your experience with your Leon. To answer your question, I've been religiously changing the oil every 10k KM or so - and no issues there. As for the mileage, it's at 165,930 KM, which is quite a bit for a 2020 model, I know (drive a ton for work, you see). Hearing that your fix cost was reasonable is a relief though, assuming it’s the same issue. Certainly planning on taking it to the local mechanic this week and get this sorted out. I’ll update you as things move along from here. Again, thanks heaps for the input; just needed to hear I wasn't alone on this weird one!
Not a problem! Always happy to help a fellow car enthusiast out. Sounds like you've been pretty spot on with oil changes, so that's good. That mileage is pretty high, but hey, work is work! Yep, it seems like it could definitely be down to something like a faulty camshaft adjustment cable/plug. It was a bit of a troubling issue, I won't lie, but once it was repaired, not only did the car improve immediately but I got a sense of big relief, I can tell ya. Yours being a newer model, it's a bit odd, but things like this can certainly pop up unexpectedly. Definitely keep us updated once you've seen the mechanic. Curious to know if it's the same issue as mine, and it's always good to have more information out there for others who might experience the same thing. Safe driving out there, and best of luck at the mechanic! Remember, we're in this together, car troubles and all!
Hey, really appreciate your response! You've no idea how reassuring it is to chat with someone familiar with this whole messy situation. Also, thanks for the reassurance on my car maintenance - I’ve been trying to take decent care of the old girl! Yeah, high miles and it being a newer model - feel a bit unlucky about the whole thing. But hey, fingers crossed, it'll be the same issue as yours and not something groundbreakingly expensive. Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you in the loop after the mechanic's visit. The minute I find out anything, I'll report back here. These forums are a godsend to get advice and also to let others know what’s happening. So, thanks again for the support! Will be in touch. And remember, cars might break down but never our spirit of car-loving! Cheers!
Hey there, it sounds like you've a pretty rough situation on hand. Your case reminds me of a similar issue I had with my 2018 Seat Leon, gasoline engine as well. I'm not a mechanic but I've got some experience poking around cars, if you know what I mean. The symptoms you're describing, especially the metallic sound and the metal in the oil, indeed suggest a possible problem with the camshaft adjustment. In my case, after noticing those symptoms, I took my car to the local workshop where they diagnosed a defective camshaft adjustment cable/plug - it was oily. They replaced the cable/plug, cleaned the area, and then the check engine light turned off. The power, fuel economy, and the noises got back to normal. Having it fixed cost me around 395 Euro. What's the oil change history of your Tarraco? And the mileage? These two could be very beneficial in figuring out the overall condition of your engine. I'd definitely suggest getting it to a workshop ASAP. Hope that helps, keep me posted.