Seeking Advice on 2012 Volvo XC60 Hybrid's Check Engine Light and Irregular Transmission Issues
Transmission slips/shifts erratically
Check engine light on
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey! Thanks for the hasty reply. Nice to hear from a fellow Volvo enthusiast! Your experience sounded remarkably similar to mine, although it hadn't occurred to me that the cable connection could be at fault. I'll definitely look into it. About the performance, I can't identify a noticeable decrease, but I have noticed some rough shifting. It just doesn't feel as smooth as it used. Kinda like it's hesitating before making the shift. I do regular servicing, the latest was at 187224 KM which wasn't too long ago. I don't remember them reporting anything unusual back then. No strange noises that I've noticed, but then again, driving with the music cranked up high is my guilty pleasure! I’ll pay more attention to this during my next drive. I’m a bit worried about this, as I’m not exactly a car mechanic myself. Took your advice and booked an appointment with my local car service. Hoping they will sort it out smoothly. Thanks for the guidance, really appreciate it! Let's hope it's an easy fix!
(Translated from German)
Heya! No issue at all - glad to be of help to my Volvo family! From your description, it definitely sounds like there's something going awry with the transmission. The hesitation you're experiencing during shifts is often a tell-tale sign. While it could be due to a fault with the selector lever or its cable as I experienced, but the cause of transmission issues can be quite varied, no need to panic ahead! Good call on booking that service appointment my friend! It's the best step forward, honestly. And hey, if it turns out to be the same thing I faced, your repair costs should be somewhat in the same ballpark as mine, just as a heads up. I also love my tunes loud when I'm driving, but for now, maybe keep the music a little low? It'll be easier to catch any out-of-place noises. Don’t worry, I'm sure your XC60 will be back to its prime in no time at all. Keep us posted on how it goes, okay? Good luck!
(Translated from German)
Hi again,! You can't imagine how reassuring it is to chat with someone who actually gets it. I totally agree with you about the shifting. It's almost as if the car is stuttering, which is quite out of character for it. But I'm hoping for the best at the service appointment, fingers crossed it's just a minor glitch and not something more serious. As for the music, I guess I'm going to have to put my mini-concerts on hold for a bit! Will definitely turn the volume down and listen closely to what the car is trying to tell me. It's comforting to have an idea of the possible expenses too - I appreciate the heads up. In the end, I'm just looking forward to having my trustworthy Volvo back in full swing. I promise to keep you all updated. Thanks again for your support, all the best till the next time!
(Translated from German)
Hey there,! Funny enough, I've had a very similar issue with my 2010 Volvo XC90. Now, I'll admit I'm not exactly a car wizard, but I do have some experience under the hood. I noticed my engine light was on and my car was experiencing the same transmission problems. Turns out, my hunch was right - the cable connection on the selector lever was damaged. I took my old Volvo to my local workshop, they’re a bunch of cool folks. They identified the problem pretty quickly and had it fixed for me – it cost me around €365. It's hard to say for sure if this is the same problem your XC60 Hybrid is experiencing without more details. Can you tell me a bit more about what's been going on? Any strange noises, rough shifting, decrease in performance? All these info would help me to potentially give you a better advice. Don’t worry, we'll get your ride back on track. Our trusty Volvos usually don’t let us down!
(Translated from German)