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Seeking Advice on 2008 Kia Ceed Diesel with Unusual Engine Symptoms

Jerking on acceleration


Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration


Loud hissing on acceleration


Unsteady engine


Whistling noise


Loss of engine power


Shaking while idling


Stalling while idling


Check engine light on

Hey! I'm driving a 2008 Kia Ceed Diesel with about 35,750 KM on her. Recently, she's been acting a bit odd; I'm getting black smoke on acceleration, check engine light's on, she lost some power, and the engine's unsteady. There's also a noticeable jerk on acceleration, a loud hiss when I rev her up, she stalls at idle, shakes a bit too, not to mention the odd whistling noise. I suspect something's up with the boost pressure system but I'm no mechanic. Last time I took her in for a checkup, it wasn't exactly a sweet ride, if you know what I mean. So, I'm looking for some advice based on your experience with similar issues before taking her back to the garage. Have you guys faced something like this with your cars? How was your experience with your mechanic in such cases? Appreciate any insight!

4 comment(s)


Hey there! Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough time with that Kia of yours. I've got a 2005 Kia Sportage and a while back, I had some pretty similar issues to what you're describing. From the black smoke, loss in power, to the odd sounding noises, it all rings a bell. It turned out there was a fault with my Wastegate valve. It's this little device in the turbocharger system that helps control the boost pressure. When it messes up, you're gonna see symptoms like you and I did. I took my car to the garage and they figured out the problem, did some work to fix that bad boy up. Remember, it was a bit of a serious issue. Not like "scrap the whole car" serious, but definitely not an "ignore and it'll fix itself" kinda problem, you get me? Seems like it's worth getting it checked out by a mechanic before it gets worse. Those Wastegate valve defects can be sneaky. Good luck with it!

EllaRacer (Author)

Hey! Wow, your response just rings a lot of bells. My Ceed had a similar issue awhile back, it seems we walked the same path, haha. Turns out it was my Wastegate valve as well - acting like a spoilt bratty child, rather than the robust part it should've been. But hey, after a decent repair at a local garage, she was back on the road purring like a kitten. Out of curiosity, you mind sharing how much you had to shell out for the repair? It kinda got mighty heavy on my pocket, just wondering if that was pretty standard. Besides, any chance of the gremlin creeping back in? Has anything weird come up again since then? Cheers!


Hey! Ah, the good ol' Wastegate valve drama, I remember it all too well - gave a bit of a sting to the old wallet, I can tell you. I ended up parting with a pretty solid 860.00 € to sort it out. Granted, it was no drop in the bucket, but hey, it got my Sportage running smooth again which felt priceless, you know? On the bright side, since that trip to the mechanic, my Kia's been in mint condition - no more problems from the boost pressure system. Seems like once the Wastegate gremlin was kicked out, it decided not to come back! Feels like driving a whole new beast altogether now. I reckon if you're experiencing the same, get it fixed and it should clear right up. Here's to no more engine trouble, cheers!

EllaRacer (Author)

Hey lads, looks like we had a "Wastegate reunion" here, haha! Thanks for the feedback - it seems like this valve issue sorta echoes with Ceed, eh? Good to know on the bright side, fixing it up does the trick with no repeat performances. Honestly, I’ma bit relieved hearing similar stories and knowing it's not entirely catastrophic. Guess it's time to take a trip to the garage and wave goodbye to some cash. Let's hope she runs smoothly post repair just like yours. Hey, who knows, maybe she'll even start charming me back, eh? Thanks again, guys. Your advice and experiences have been real helpful. Here's to more miles and less engine drama. Cheers!

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