Seeking Advice on 2006 Kia Opirus Issues: Transmission Slipping, ABS Warning Light and Grind Noise
Whining or grinding noises
ABS warning light
Transmission slips/shifts erratically
4 comment(s)
Hey there! Thanks a bunch for sharing your experience—it definitely gives me some peace of mind about my Opirus. I can't ignore that grinding noise, and I figure, getting it checked sooner than later will only save me the stress (and potentially costly repairs). Alright I've got to ask. How hard did this hit your wallet? And how's your Optima been running since the fix? Any other problems or unexpected issues crop up? Cheers!
Hey there! Sure thing, happy to share. So, the bill came out to be a cool 210€ for the whole repair work, including replacing the worn out gear in the oil in the transfer case. Not exactly pocket change, but considering the potential damage it could have caused if not sorted, I saw it as money well invested. And good news - since the fix, I've not had any issues with the oil wear in the transfer case or any related problems. The Optima's been running smoother than a Tuborg on a hot day! It seems like hitting the mechanic's early did the trick in my case. Keep us posted on what you find out with your Opirus! Here's to hoping your experience is as straightforward as mine was. Cheers!
Hey! Your response is exactly what I needed to hear. Phew! The price tag you mentioned is a bit of a gulp, but like you said - this is an investment, saving me a lot more grief (and cash) down the line. The rest of your news is great to hear, really encouraging. A smooth drive is what we all crave, isn't it? Alright. I'm bracing myself and getting ready to visit my mechanic. Fingers crossed it's as painless as yours. I'll be sure to share what I find with you all. Cheers and thanks again!
Hey! I've had somewhat of a similar experience with my 2009 Kia Optima. The noise you're describing was pretty similar to mine, and just like you, I suspected worn gear in the oil in the transfer case. Turns out, that was indeed the issue. My mechanic explained that the grinding noise and the weird behavior of the transmission were due to worn gear in the oil in the transfer case. Apparently, it could cause severe harm to the internal parts of the vehicle if not treated in time. So, they had to drain the contaminated oil and cleaned the parts that had wear debris on them. Then, they replaced the worn gear and refilled the transfer case with fresh oil. This process certainly figures as a serious one, not your usual oil change, you know? The ABS warning light, however, wasn't related in my case. They checked the brakes separately, and discovered a minor fault in the sensor, which was promptly fixed. So, yeah, it's definitely worth getting it checked. Best of luck and hope this helps!