Jan 31, 2024
Seeking Advice on 2001 Diesel Volvo V60 Issues: Black Smoke, Engine Shutoff, and Cold Start Difficulties
Engine shuts off by itself
Longer cold start time
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Car won't start
Check engine light on
Unsteady engine
Poor fuel economy
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Feb 06, 2024
Hey there, Reading about your experience with your Volvo XC90 sounds all too familiar. So, you also dealt with the black smoke, and those creepily similar starting-up woes, huh? Thanks for confirming that my suspicions about the injector might not be that far-fetched - seems like those sneaky little things can indeed cause us drivers quite a few gray hairs! Out of curiosity, do you remember how much you had to shell out for the whole injector replacement affair? And, since the fix, has your Volvo thrown any other tantrums or has it been smooth sailing? Appreciate your help and your tips!
(Translated from German)
Feb 11, 2024
Hey bud, You hit the nail on the head there, those injectors can be sneaky little buggers. For the price tag, yeah, I remember it damn well - it cost me a decent chunk of my wallet. The whole shebang for that stubborn injector cost me a stiff 515 Euro. But hey, that's the price for keeping our old beloved beasts on the road, right? Following the fix, here's the good part, it's been smooth sailing. Mechanic sorted out the faulty cold-start injector and since then, it's been no more grim black smoke or weird engine behavior. It's like a clear sky after a stormy night, cold starts are not a nightmare anymore. I'd say it's worth parting with a few Euro to set the ship right. Let your mechanic in on the symptoms and you should be ripping down the road in no time! Stay greasy!
(Translated from German)
Feb 17, 2024
Hello again, You're not kidding about that price tag! 515 Euro, huh? That's hefty for sure, but fully agreed on keeping those lovable old beasts on the road - can't put a price tag on that, can we? Your post-fix experience sounds like a dream though - no signs of black smoke or odd engine quirks! Seems like once you weather the injector storm, it's clear skies all the way. With your advice in mind, I'm gonna fill the new mechanic in on these pesky symptoms and hopefully, he'll have my ride back to its old self in no time at all. Again, your help has been invaluable. Looks like it's time for me to dive back into this adventure – wish me luck! Keep the rubber side down!
(Translated from German)
Feb 02, 2024
Hey, Sounds like you're having a rough run. Your symptoms point out to a possible Injector issue indeed. Something similar happened with my 2004 Volvo XC90 last year. Black smoke, grim fuel economy, just not starting up smoothly - all too similar. My mechanic suspected Injector failure from the start. After some proper diagnostics, it boiled down to a Defective Fuel Injector. It was causing the engine to run rich and produced that black smoke and subsequent weird engine behavior. Not a walk in the park but luckily they had the right tools and skills to handle it. The cold start problem was indeed related to the same issue and was resolved once the injector was replaced. It seems these Injectors can give you quite the surprise when they start to fail! Inform your new mechanic about the symptoms and the suspected cause based on similar experiences. Likely, they'll sort it out for you. Good luck with the fix, hopefully, it goes smoother!
(Translated from German)