Seeking Advice on '22 Volvo S90 Diesel Engine Issues and Suspected EGR Valve Failure
Check engine light on
Shaking while idling
Loss of engine power
Strong exhaust smell
Unsteady engine
Engine shuts off by itself
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, Really appreciate the reassurance! Seems like you and I had almost the same scenario - classic case of a dodgy EGR valve, eh? I'll definitely take your advice to heart about communicating well with the mechanic. By the way, I'm curious - can you recall approxily how much you ended up forking out for this fix? Also, since you had it sorted, did any other problems pop up or has it been smooth cruising? Thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Howdy, Glad I could be of some help! About the cost, let me jog my memory here. Ah, yes! I shelled out around 355€ for the whole EGR valve fix. Not exactly pocket change, but hey, at least it got the job done. And to answer your second question, since the mechanic had it sorted, it's been nothing but smooth sailing. The issue with the EGR valve was the root cause of all those nasty symptoms. So, once they dealt with it, it resolved the engine’s power issue, the rough idling, all of it! I'm happy to report that the ol' Volvo's been humming like a happy cat ever since. Just find yourself a decent mechanic. After the fix, your S90 should run like a dream again! Cheers!
(Translated from German)
Hey! Well, that's music to my ears! Not that we need more spending, but 355€ isn't too shabby if it means getting the S90 back up and running smoothly. It's a bit of comfort knowing your Volvo's been good as gold after your own EGR valve fix. I'll definitely try and follow up this as soon as I can. When it comes to picking a mechanic though, I better do a bit more digging - don't want any more dodgy dealings, that's for sure. Serious thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Know that you've helped me—and likely others—tremendously! All the best!
(Translated from German)
Hey there, Sounds like you hit the nail on the head. I had a pretty similar experience with my '19 Volvo XC90 Diesel in terms of symptoms. Check engine light, rough idling, power loss and that weird strong exhaust smell. Felt like the poor thing was on its last leg. Turns out, the issue was indeed a dodgy EGR valve. It was kinda stuck and played havoc with the engine systems. The good news is, once they diagnosed it, things went relatively smoothly. I dealt with the mechanic by letting them explain the technical stuff. I made sure they knew I did a bit of my own research (like you're doing now) so they clarified how they were gonna handle it, step by step. Try not to stress too much. It was a serious issue but ultily very fixable, didn't cause any long-term problem for my car. Just remember to communicate well with your mechanic. They'll probably test, find that defective/stuck EGR valve, replace it and you should be back on track. Good luck with it!
(Translated from German)