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Seeking Advice for Troubleshooting 2013 Volvo V40 Diesel's Weak Battery and Dimming Lights

Dim or flickering lights


Weak battery when starting the engine

Hey folks, I'm struggling with my 2013 Volvo V40 Diesel. She's been having a hard time starting up with a weak battery, and the lights dim or flicker at times. My hunch is that the battery might be severely discharged. Has anybody faced something similar, and if so, how did you guys troubleshoot and fix it? Any tips or experiences from your own workshop struggles would be super helpful. Cheers!

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hey there! By some coincidence, I faced a similar issue with my 2011 Volvo S40 Diesel. I've got a bit of experience under my hood, but I wouldn't call myself a proper mechanic, y'know? From my own experience, I took my car to my local workshop. Turns out it wasn't the battery at all, but instead a defective control unit - crazy, right? Tough on the wallet too, set me back 600 Euro. So maybe have that checked out? But of course, to give you a more accurate advice, it would be helpful to know some more about your V40's specific symptoms and possible error codes? Keep us updated. Cheers!

(Translated from German)

JulesBergman (Author)

Hey, thanks for that insight! Who would've thought about a control unit? And yep, the wallet pain would be real! I'll be sure to have mine checked. As for symptoms, apart from the ones I mentioned, she's all good. Plus, can't recall any specific error codes, but next time she acts up, I'll look out for some. Oh, by the way, my V40 just clocked 83,176 KM and last had a service a couple of months ago. So, I'm all eyes and ears for any more tips you might have. Thanks again!

(Translated from German)


Hey, glad to help anytime! An idea popped up while reading your reply: Considering that the mileage on your V40 is fairly decent, and that you've recently serviced it, I'd suggest checking your alternator. Even if it's not spinning out any error codes, irregular power supply to the battery from a faulty alternator can lead to weak battery and dim lights problems, much like the ones you're seeing. From my experience with my S40, I faced a similar situation where everything seemed fine, but the battery kept dying. After checking and replacing the battery, the issue persisted. That was when I figured out it was the alternator. Replaced it and, touch wood, no issues since then. It might be possible that the alternator is not recharging the battery adequately while driving, especially when you use high demand electrical systems like lights, radio, etc. So your battery may start out strong, but not get replenished as it should. Take it to your local workshop, and ask them to check that alternator out. Might be worth a shot before looking at more expensive fixes. Let me know how it goes! Cheers!

(Translated from German)

JulesBergman (Author)

Appreciate your help, dude! Definitely got me thinking in a new direction. Who'd consider the alternator, right? Well, guess I do now. I'll get that checked for sure next time I pop in at the workshop. For all we know, it might just save me a hefty bill. Keep those fingers crossed for me, will ya? And, of course, I'll keep you updated on how my lady fares. Cheers, take care!

(Translated from German)

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