Seeking Advice for Faulty ABS System on 2016 Kia Optima
Fault stored
ABS/DSC system is not working
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
ABS warning light
4 comment(s)
Hey, no worries! Happy to help. With the ABS unit, it set me back a round 1000.00 € - wasn't the cheapest fix but it had to be done. No corners to cut when it comes to car safety, right? On a brighter note, after the mechanic handled it, the pesky Speed signal faulty warning disappeared. So far, so good - no other related problems have popped up since then. Just remember, pick a good mechanic and ensure your ride gets the attention it deserves. Good luck there!
Hey there, got your back on this one. I had a similar issue with my 2013 Kia Sportage a while back. My ABS light also came on out of nowhere, and it turned out to be the ABS control unit having a bad day. It's no small issue but there's no need to panic either. Just make sure you take care of it sooner rather than later to avoid potentially bigger headaches. Long story short, took her to the garage and they spent a good chunk of time diagnosing the faults. Ended up having to replace the whole ABS unit. Wasn't over the moon about it but these things happen, y'know. Anyway, don't stress too much, just take it to a mechanic you trust and who knows their way around Kias. Good luck with it!