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Seeking Advice and Insights on a Recurring Speedometer Warning Light Issue in a 2022 Mazda Scrum

Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle

Hey! I've got a bit of a head-scratcher with my 2022 Mazda Scrum running on gasoline. The warning light on the speedometer keeps popping up, which is unusual. My hunch is that this could be due to low brake fluid level, but I'd love to hear about your experiences or any tips you might have. Specifically, if you've had this problem and took your car to a workshop, I'm keen to know how theyaged to fix it. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

4 comment(s)


Hey, sounds like you're in a pickle. I can relate since I had a similar issue with my 2020 Mazda Verisa - just a few models apart from your Scrum. I'm not an auto mechanic or anything, but I do have some experience messing around with cars. Long story short: took it to my local garage where the guys there had a look. Turned out the brakes were simply worn out, not the fluid. Laid down 480 Euro for the repair, and they did a neat job. By the way, could you give more info on your car? Mileage, how hard you drive it, any additional symptoms? Might help me point you in the right direction. Cheers!

MoriGlas (Author)

Hey there, thanks for the quick response. My Scrum's been on the road for quite a while now, showing a proud 256030 KM on the dash. I drive it moderately, mostly city commuting, but with the occasional long road trip thrown in. As for any other symptoms, not much to mention aside from the light. Brakes feel a bit softer than usual but nothing major. Your experience with brake wear has given me something to consider though, might just book a garage visit this week. Thanks again!


Hey, no problem at all! Your mileage does explain a bit. High mileage like yours could be a factor. Worn out brakes, especially with city commuting where you're constantly using them, can be a good guess. Also, the softer feel you mentioned might be due to the brake pad wear as well, it happens. I'd definitely recommend getting it checked at the garage for a professional opinion. It will give you a peace of mind and avoid any possible safety issues down the line. In the end, I was glad I did with mine. Better safe than sorry! Let us know how it turns out. Good luck with your Scrum!

MoriGlas (Author)

Cheers for the advice! It's been really helpful. Certainly put my mind at ease. Yes, I've got a good reliable garage nearby, so I definitely think a professional check-up is in order. Will also keep an eye on those brake pads like you said. I'll circle back in a few days to let you all know how it went. Fingers crossed it won't break the bank. Thanks again for the suggestion, much appreciated! Safe-driving!

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