Sail Engine Stalling? Clogged Injectors May Be The Culprit
Loss of engine power
Unsteady engine
Engine hard to start
Stalling while idling
Poor fuel economy
4 comment(s)
Latest service was just done at 13302 KM showing no major issues. The misfire symptoms only started last week. I've been using standard grade gasoline from regular stations. No warning lights yet, which makes the diagnosis trickier. The fuel filter hasn't been changed since it's still a fairly new vehicle. The symptoms you described with your Cruze sound spot-on with what I'm experiencing. Pretty worried about the clogging getting worse, especially since the vehicle is still under warranty. Planning to take it in this week since the rough idle and stalling are getting more frequent. Thanks for the repair cost insight, helps me know what to expect if it's not covered under warranty. Will definitely switch to premium fuel after this gets sorted.
Definitely sounds like we had the exact same injection system problems. My Cruze showed identical symptoms before things got worse, the misfiring started suddenly too, despite regular servicing. Just a heads up from my experience, even with low mileage, these modern fuel injection systems can develop clogging issues from lower quality fuel. The emissions control systems are pretty sensitive. After my repair, I learned that fuel injector deposits can build up surprisingly fast, even in newer vehicles. Make sure to mention the stalling and rough idle symptoms when you take it in. My diesel mechanic initially thought it was just a minor sensor issue until they did a proper injection system diagnosis. The warranty should definitely cover this, mine would have if I hadn't been just past the coverage period. Quick advice based on what helped prevent issues after my repair: Run a fuel system cleaner through the tank every 5000 KM, Switch to top-tier fuel stations, Get the fuel filter checked during your next service, Don't let the tank run too low, as it can pull in sediment The replacement and cleaning sorted my issues completely, no problems since then with proper maintenance.
Thanks for the detailed advice. Good to hear you had success fixing similar issues with your Cruze. Booked the vehicle in for tomorrow actually, can't risk more engine damage from these injection problems. The service advisor mentioned they'll do a complete fuel system diagnostic since the emissions and performance issues match typical clogging symptoms. Really hoping it's covered under warranty since it's clearly a fuel delivery system fault. Will definitely follow your maintenance tips once it's fixed, especially switching to better gasoline stations and using injector cleaner regularly. The stalling is getting pretty concerning so waiting any longer doesn't seem smart. Just one quick question about the fuel system cleaner you mentioned, any specific brand you'd recommend that worked well for preventing future clogging issues? Want to make sure I'm using the right products once the injection system is serviced.
Had nearly identical issues with my 2021 Chevy Cruze, same symptoms you're describing with the performance problems and rough idle. The gasoline delivery system was definitely struggling. After dealing with poor engine response and excessive fuel consumption for about a week, took it to a workshop. Diagnosis showed clogging in the injection valves, dirt buildup was preventing proper fuel atomization. Workshop did a thorough fuel injection cleaning service and replaced one faulty injector. Total repair came to 515 Euro, but the vehicle runs like new now. Could you share: Current mileage? Type of fuel you typically use? When did you last change the fuel filter? Any warning lights on dash? These injection issues can get worse quickly if not addressed. Based on the symptoms, sounds very similar to what I experienced. Quick tip from my experience: using high-quality fuel and regular fuel system maintenance helps prevent these problems from recurring.