Resolving Ignition Starter Switch Issues in 2019 Volvo XC40
Ignition cannot be switched on
Car won't start
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the reply! Really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. I haven't noticed any other electronic issues, no. Everything seems fine until I try and ignite, then it's just… nada. And oddly enough, there’s no engine light warning either, at least not that I’ve noticed. You know, I never considered a fault with the wiring harness, but your experience has certainly given me something to look into. I’ll follow up on this and see what pulls up. And let me just add, so far the XC40 has run like a dream up to 59,737 km without any major issues, until now. Amazing that we are comparing a 2019 model with a 2017. I guess it just goes to prove that no matter the model or the driven distance, cars can throw a curveball at you. Will update you guys as soon as I find out something. Thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no worries at all! Always happy to share my two cents and help a fellow Volvo owner out. It's a real bummer when these beasts decide to give us a run for our money, isn't it? Your symptoms do sound odd, especially with no check engine light or other electronic issues. Although, sometimes these things can be subtle until they aren't, you know? Just to give you a heads up, besides the wiring harness, another thing that caused a similar issue in my XC60 was a borked immobilizer. Yep, the security system that's supposed to prevent theft ended up preventing me from starting the car. Felt like my Volvo was trying to Rickroll me or something! A good mechanic with Volvo experience should be able to check both the wiring and the immobilizer. I'd recommend you find a trusted mechanic to run a full diagnostic. It might be a bit pricey, but it's definitely going to save you a ton of headaches in the long run. Well, fingers crossed it's something minor! Do update us with whatever you find. Looking forward to cheering when your XC40 fires up again. Safe travels!
(Translated from German)
Hello, you ain't kiddin' about these beauties giving us a run for our money. Gotta love it though, quirks and all! The immobilizer, huh? That’s another thing to think about. I never knew it could flip and turn against the owner – that's some real sci-fi betrayal stuff right there. Sounds like a song that only a Volvo could dance to, right? Kidding aside, thanks a MILLION for the insight. It certainly seems like the best course of action now is to get my XC40 to my trusted mechanic. Gets me every time how much these diagnostic tests can cost, but yeah, I’ve gotta agree with you on that - better to burn some cash upfront rather than a whole pile later. Appreciate all the help, dude. I’ll keep everyone posted on how this Volvo saga unfolds. Cross all fingers and toes for me! Hopefully, it’s just a minor issue and we can all toast to the good ol' XC40 firing up again. Catch you later, responsible Volvo owner! Safe journeys to you, too.
(Translated from German)
Hey there, I've got some experience in dealing with a very similar issue but in my 2017 Volvo XC60. Now, I'd say I'm somewhere in the middle when it comes to car expertise, not a complete newbie but certainly not a pro either. Anyway, my XC60 suddenly wouldn't start, just like your XC40. I took it to my local mechanic and it turned out the problem was the wiring harness - it was defective. Repair cost me about 95 Euro, which was a hit on my pocket, but worth every cent to solve the problem. Let me ask you, have you noticed any other issues with electronics in the car? Exact symptoms could help give a better diagnosis. Also, is the check engine light on? That could shed more light on exactly what's causing these issues you’ve got. Hope this helps!
(Translated from German)