Rear window heating in S Class Mercedes 2007 goes wrong: experience and solutions wanted
Heated windows without function
Fault stored
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hello, you're welcome! Of course I remember that! The repair wasn't cheap, it cost me €585 because unfortunately the heating wires were defective and had to be replaced. But since I had it done, the rear window heater has worked perfectly. So I can say that since the visit to the mechanic, the functional limitation of the rear window heating has been rectified. And no, no further problems have occurred since then, everything is running perfectly. Keep your fingers crossed that everything runs smoothly for you too! Bye!
(Translated from German)
OliverM (Author)
Hi mate, it's very likely that your heater wires are faulty. I had the same problem with my 2004 E-Class Mercedes (gasoline, mileage 145000). The rear window heater spun for a while and the fault was stored, similar to what you describe. In my go to mechanic experience, it turned out that the heater wires were broken. It was quite a hassle because they had to replace the entire part. Aside from the stress, it was certainly no small job. The good news is that it's been working perfectly ever since. It wasn't a quick fix, but it was done once and then out of the way. Hope this helps you out! All the best!
(Translated from German)