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Problems with VW Golf 2005: Higher fuel consumption, exhaust odor and check engine light

Strong exhaust smell

Check engine light on

Poor fuel economy

Hello folks! I have a problem with my 2005 VW Golf with a gasoline engine. The Check Engine light is on, the fuel consumption seems higher than normal and there is a strong smell of exhaust fumes. I suspect that it could be due to a faulty control of the secondary air valve. Do you have any experience with problems like this and can you give me any tips on how to rectify the problem? How have your workshops solved the problem? I am grateful for any advice.

(Translated from German)

4 comment(s)


Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2003 VW Passat. I'm not an expert on cars, but I have a bit of experience with such problems. I took the car to the garage at the time. They told me that the fuse was faulty. I paid 52 euros for it and the problem was fixed. Could you give me more information about your car? Then I might be able to help you more precisely. Maybe it's the same problem as with my Passat.

(Translated from German)

LimaWoehler (Author)

Hey, thanks for the quick reply. Mine now has 34112 km on it and the last service was about three months ago. If it really is just the fuse, that would of course be great! Did you have it replaced at the garage or did you do it yourself? Maybe I could do it myself.

(Translated from German)


Well, the garage did it for me. But I think if you know a bit about cars, you can do it yourself. You just need to know which fuse you need and where it's located. Many people also look for instructions in forums or on YouTube. But be careful, only do this if you really dare. Otherwise, it's better to take it to the workshop before anything else breaks. It's often better to have a professional do it. And as I said, it could of course be something else that is causing the problem. So if the new fuse doesn't solve the problem, it's better to see an expert straight away. Good luck and let us know if it works!

(Translated from German)

LimaWoehler (Author)

Hello again! Thanks for the advice. I think I'll try it myself first before I take the car to the garage. Your answer has helped me a lot. I will definitely report back on whether I was able to fix the problem myself or not. It's always good to talk to other car owners and benefit from their experiences. Thanks again!

(Translated from German)

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