Problems with vehicle battery and flickering lights in a 2013 Seat Leon
Weak battery when starting the engine
Dim or flickering lights
(Translated from German)
5 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for your reply. About the battery: It was changed during my last service, which was shortly before 112493 km. But I haven't actually tried to charge it completely overnight yet. It could actually be that it has simply gone a bit flat. The tip about the battery sensor also sounds interesting, I'll definitely take it up with the garage. How long did it take you to change it? Thanks to you, I now definitely have a few ideas that I can follow up on. Really great, thank you!
(Translated from German)
Moin, no problem, always happy to help. With your mileage, I can hardly imagine that the battery is already losing power, especially if it has only recently been replaced. For charging, I would recommend a normal household socket to start with. Otherwise, a special car battery charging station might be an option, if you have one available. In my case, the battery sensor was replaced within an hour. But of course it depends on the garage and the model in question. However, it wasn't a major undertaking. And don't stress, we're all happy to help here. I'm glad I was able to help you. If you have any further questions, just get in touch!
(Translated from German)
Hey, great that it went so quickly with the battery sensor. If that really is the problem, I'm reassured. I'll definitely try the charging thing, I've already got a charger. Your tips were really helpful, thanks again for your advice. I'll report back when I know more. Until then, take care and thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I had a similar problem with my 2011 Seat Ibiza, I have some experience with cars but I'm not a professional. My battery sensor was faulty and that triggered a similar condition for me. I had it fixed at my local garage and it cost 315 euros. From your description, it sounds like the battery sensor could actually be your problem. However, it could also be possible that your vehicle battery is simply out of date and needs replacing. It would be helpful if you could give us some more information. For example, how old is your battery? Have you tried fully charging the battery overnight and then checking to see if the problem persists? Good luck fixing the problem, hopefully this was a little helpful!
(Translated from German)