Problems with Toyota Hiace 2014: Black smoke, reduced engine power and unstable operation - Possible defective boost pressure sensor?
Loss of engine power
Check engine light on
Stalling while idling
Black smoke from exhaust on acceleration
Shaking while idling
Unsteady engine
Loud hissing on acceleration
Jerking on acceleration
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hello, thank you for your answer. My Hiace has now covered 216800 kilometers. The last service wasn't too long ago either. I suspect that it might have something to do with the compressor. Does anyone have any experience of this? How did it go for you, did the problem resolve itself afterwards or did other problems occur?
(Translated from German)
Hey, nice to hear from you. Your Hiace has already covered a decent distance, respect! Unfortunately, I can't say much about the compressor. My experience is more limited to the boost pressure sensor and the waste gate valve. No further problems occurred with my Hilux after the repair. I have the impression that a good service is important in order to detect and rectify such problems at an early stage. It might be helpful if you tell your mechanic exactly what you observe and suspect. A good mechanic should be able to identify the problem. Hopefully this will help and won't be too expensive. Keep your fingers crossed!
(Translated from German)
Hi, thanks for your reply and opinion. I've had enough of the problems and inconvenience they cause. After hearing everyone's suggestions and opinions, I will take the car to the garage tomorrow and explain to them everything you have advised. Hopefully the problem can be fixed as soon as possible. I hope it won't be too expensive. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. Thanks again for your help!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2016 Toyota Hilux a few years ago. I admit I'm not a car mechanic, but I do know a bit about it. My garage finally diagnosed a defect in the waste gate valve. They spent a day checking the car to find out exactly what was wrong. The repair cost me 860 euros at the time, but I was glad that the problem could be solved! Could you give a few more details about your Hiace? For example, how many kilometers have you driven it and when was the last time you had it serviced? That would be helpful to help you further.
(Translated from German)