Problems with the navigation system and audio system in the Ford Fiesta 2021: suspected cause and solutions
Audio system is not working
Navigationssystem is not working
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Sure, thanks for your answer! My Fiesta has already done 97076 km and was last serviced less than a month ago. Everything was going well until these systems failed. Does "microphone faulty" mean that a complete replacement is required or is there another solution for this? I hope this doesn't cost me 255 euros!
(Translated from German)
Sure, no problem! They actually completely replaced the microphone in my Ford. They did try to repair it first, but unfortunately that didn't work. In your case, it would probably be best to go to your nearest Ford dealer or garage and have them give you an estimate. That will give you a better idea of what it would cost. I hope I've been able to help you and the cost doesn't end up being as high as it was for me! Good luck with it!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I actually have some experience with this issue. I drive a 2019 Ford Focus and had a similar issue. So, I'm no expert, but I know a little about cars. In the workshop, they found that there was a "microphone defective", that was the cause of the broken navigation system and audio system. I paid 255 euros at the time to have this fixed. Can you give me more details about your car? The more specific the information is, the better I can help you.
(Translated from German)