Problems with the handling and ride height control of a Peugeot 301 (2020, diesel)
Excessive Bouncing
Uneven Ride Height
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! My Peugeot has 174644 km on the clock, but was only registered last year and has been regularly serviced. Your experience sounds really similar to my situation. I just hope it's not something to do with the control unit, because that's really expensive... I'll check with my garage. Thank you!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem! With so many kilometers it could be that a component gives up the ghost. Regardless of whether it's the control unit or perhaps the level control, it would be best to have it checked by a professional. But I can understand that you hope it's not the control unit - the repair has already torn a real hole in my wallet! Keep your fingers crossed that it's nothing serious and that your garage finds the problem quickly. Good luck!
(Translated from German)
Hello, I had a similar incident with my Peugeot 308 (built in 2018, diesel). I don't have much car knowledge, but I'm in constant contact with my garage. My control unit was defective. The repair cost me 1000 euros. However, as it could be a complex problem, it would be useful to know a bit more about your car, such as the specific model or the kilometers driven. Then I might be able to give you some more detailed advice.
(Translated from German)