Problems with the gearshift of the Renault Clio 2021: slipping gearbox and noise development
Whining or grinding noises
Grinding noise when shifting gears
Transmission slips/shifts erratically
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your answer! My Renault Clio has 117255 km on the clock. The last service was a few months ago, and as far as I know they didn't do anything to the gearbox. The transmission control unit sounds really expensive - I hope it's something else. I'll definitely ask at other garages. Thanks for the tip!
(Translated from German)
Hey, no problem, I'm happy to help! It's a shame that the last service didn't provide a solution. But it's good that you're keeping at it. I've heard that it's quite common for this kind of problem to occur with high mileage. Mine had about 130,000 km on it when the problem occurred. It could well be the transmission oil pressure. Have it checked at the garage, maybe it's just a small sensor that's no longer working properly - would definitely be cheaper than the transmission control unit! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's something cheaper. Let's get some data together. Good luck finding a solution!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you very much for your reply and for keeping your fingers crossed! I think I'm really going to need that. And you're right, the mileage could definitely be a factor. I'll definitely take your advice and have it checked at the garage. Maybe I'll be lucky and it's just a sensor. That would be a real relief! Your tips were really helpful, thank you. I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I know more. Until then, thanks again and take care!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my Renault Megane, petrol engine, year 2019. My experience with cars is rather limited, but maybe my experience will help you anyway. My garage eventually found a faulty transmission control unit and unfortunately it was quite expensive fun. I had to pay around 1000 euros for it. It helped me to compare different garages to find the best offer. Could you perhaps tell us a bit more about your car? How many kilometers has it done and when was the last time the transmission oil was changed? The more information, the better we can help you here. Best regards!
(Translated from German)