Problems with the gearshift and warning light on Renault VelSatis Diesel 2005: experience and solutions wanted
Warning light in the speedometer of the vehicle
Gear selection display in the speedometer without function
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hi, thanks for your quick reply. My car has now covered 140666 km. That's quite a bit. The last service was at 135000 km and nothing unusual was found. Apart from that, the car runs pretty smoothly, except for the current problem. Do you think I should talk to my garage about the faulty engine control unit? Thank you in advance!
(Translated from German)
Hey, with the mileage and the lack of other symptoms, it could be that it really is the clutch pedal switch. However, it is also possible that a defective engine control unit is causing the problem, as I had. If I were you, I would discuss both possibilities with your garage. It might also be helpful, if possible, to read out the fault memory. This could give you more information about where exactly the problem lies. I hope I've been able to help and wish you the best of luck in fixing the problem!
(Translated from German)
Hello, thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I will follow your advice and discuss both options with my garage. The fault memory is a good idea, I hadn't even thought of that. I hope that this will clear up the problem. Thanks again for your help, I'll let you know when I know more. Have a good weekend!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I have some experience with cars and had a fairly similar problem with my 2007 Renault Scenic Diesel. The problem was a faulty engine control unit. The service at my garage was quite good; they diagnosed the problem quickly and repaired it. However, the repair cost me 1000 euros. Your problem could also be due to the engine control unit. Can you tell me more about your car? Maybe then I can help you better. It would be useful to know information such as mileage, condition of the car or other symptoms.
(Translated from German)