Problems with the engine control light and loss of power in Opel Crossland 2019 - suspected cause: tank ventilation/DMTL valve
Stalling while idling
Check engine light on
Shaking while idling
Jerking on acceleration
Unsteady engine
Loss of engine power
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Hello, thanks for the additional information. Given the mileage, a number of things could of course be possible, but a problem with the tank ventilation system or the DMTL valve, as you suspected, can certainly not be ruled out. I would recommend that you have your car's fault memory read out. In many garages, this is free or at least quite cheap. Then you can find out exactly what the problem is and have it fixed accordingly. Hope this helps you. Good luck and let us know what it was! Best regards!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my Opel Grandland (built in 2017, also a gasoline engine). My experience with cars is limited, but I have experienced quite a few things. In my case, it was the engine control unit that was faulty, although this is quite rare. The garage replaced it and it worked fine. The repair cost me 1000.0 euros. Could you give me more details about your car? Has a fault diagnosis been carried out? Have you made any modifications? The more details I have, the better I might be able to help you. Best regards!
(Translated from German)