Problems with the cruise control system on Toyota CHR 2018 - experiences and suggested solutions needed
Fault stored
Cruise control without function
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
Lauraspeed (Author)
Hey, no problem, you're welcome! With the mileage on your speedometer, it could actually be that your engine control unit is faulty, just like mine was. However, there are also other possibilities. For example, a problem with the electrics, or perhaps a fault has crept into the cruise control. In any case, if I were you, I would go to the garage and have it checked. They can usually determine this quickly and then decide what to do. Good luck and please give us an update as soon as you know anything new!
(Translated from German)
Hey, I had a similar problem with my Toyota RAV4, model year 2016. I would describe myself as someone with little experience when it comes to cars. But I went to my garage and after a few checks it turned out that the engine control unit was faulty. The repair cost me a total of 1000 euros. Could you perhaps give a few more details about your car, such as mileage, most frequent use (city, highway, etc.)? This could help us to better understand your problem and possibly make further suggestions that could help you.
(Translated from German)