Problems with the alarm system of a 2015 Ford Falcon gasoline engine
Alarm system malfunctions
(Translated from German)
4 comment(s)
LuiMey (Author)
Hey, thanks for the reply! Sure, I can provide additional information. So, my Ford Falcon is a 2015 gasoline and has 80678k miles on it. I haven't seen any warning lights and there are no obvious symptoms. It's just the alarm system going off like crazy. Nothing problematic was found at my last service. But I will take your advice and have the battery contacts in the siren checked. Hopefully it's just that. Thanks again!
(Translated from German)
Hi, I had a similar problem with my 2013 Ford Mustang. Not an expert, but have some experience with cars. In my case, the battery contacts in the siren were defective. Had it repaired at the garage, cost me 235 euros. That should solve your problem. Could you give us more details about your vehicle so that we can help you? I would also be interested to know if you have any warning lights or other symptoms.
(Translated from German)